Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

All transportsThis is a meta pom for referencing all transports at once as needed by various mule distributions we publish
SOAP Transport: AxisA Mule transport for Soap Connectivity using Axis.
Ajax TransportA Mule transport for receiving and dispatching AJAX events using Cometd (Bayeux)
EJB TransportA Mule transport for Ejb Connectivity that allows you to invoke an ejb object using an endpoint.
E-Mail TransportA Mule transport for Email Connectivity. This transport supplies a Pop3 connector, Smtp connector and a Mail connector which is an aggregation of the two.
File TransportA Mule transport for File Connectivity. This transport allows files to be read and written to directories on the local file system. The transport can be configured to filter the file it reads and the way files are written, such as whether binary output is used or the file is appended to.
FTP TransportA Mule transport for Ftp Connectivity.
HTTP TransportA Mule transport for Http Connectivity. This transport supplies a simple Http Server implementation.
JDBC TransportA Mule transport for JDBC connectivity.
Jetty TransportA Mule transport for Jetty Http Connectivity or binding to other Servlet containers. This transport can be used to embed a Jetty server used to service inbound http endpoints.
JMS TransportA Mule transport for Jms Connectivity.
Multicast TransportA Mule transport for Udp Multicasting. This transport supplies a Multicast Data Packet dispatcher and client implementation.
Quartz TransportA Mule transport for Quartz. This transport supplies a receiver for jobs scheduled with Quartz.
RMI TransportA Mule transport for RMI Connectivity.
Servlet TransportA Mule transport for Servlet containers.
SFTP TransportA Mule transport for SFTP connectivity
SSL TransportA Mule transport for Socket connectivity using SSL authentication. This transport supplies a tcp Server and client implementation over SSL.
System I/O TransportA Mule transport used as the interface to Java's System.out and objects, typically for testing purposes.
TCP TransportA Mule transport for Tcp Connectivity. This transport supplies a tcp Server and client implementation.
UDP TransportA Mule transport for Udp Connectivity. This transport supplies a Udp Data Packet dispatcher and client implementation.
VM TransportA Mule transport that enables event sending and receiving over VM or embedded memory queues. These queues can be persistent or transient.
XMPP TransportA Mule transport that enables event sending and receiving over XMPP (Jabber).