Uses of Interface

Packages that use EndpointURI
org.mule The Mule implementation of the Universal Message Objects(tm) API specification. 
org.mule.api The Universal Message Object(tm) API provides a way for components to interact without needing to know about the protocol or delivery mechanisms of information passed between them 
org.mule.api.endpoint Endpoint interfaces. 
org.mule.api.transport Contains the interfaces that comprise a provider implementation. 
org.mule.config.i18n Internationalisation support for Mule messages and exception messages. 
org.mule.endpoint Implemtation of Mule endpoint uris. 
org.mule.message Wire message implementations. 
org.mule.module.client Simple interface for Mule clients to send and receive events from local or remote Mule Servers. 
org.mule.routing.outbound Outbound router implementation as described in the Enterprise Integration Patterns book. 
org.mule.transport Contains Abstract classes providing common functionality for all Mule providers. 
org.mule.transport.service Provides SPI support for building mule connectors and providers using service descriptors. 
org.mule.transport.soap.axis Provides an Axis soap transport for Mule
org.mule.transport.vm A connector implementation allowing events to be passed between Mule sessions via in-memory queues. 
org.mule.util Common helper classes for reading/writing files setting bean properties and SPI helpers. 

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule

Methods in org.mule that return EndpointURI
 EndpointURI DefaultMuleEventContext.getEndpointURI()

Methods in org.mule with parameters of type EndpointURI
 void DefaultMuleEventContext.dispatchEvent(MuleMessage message, EndpointURI endpointUri)
          Depending on the session state this methods either Passes an event asynchronously to the next available Mule component in the pool or via the endpointUri configured for the event
 MuleMessage DefaultMuleEventContext.requestEvent(EndpointURI endpointUri, long timeout)
          Requests a synchronous receive of an event on the service
 MuleMessage DefaultMuleEventContext.sendEvent(MuleMessage message, EndpointURI endpointUri)
          Depending on the session state this methods either Passes an event synchronously to the next available Mule component in the pool or via the endpointUri configured for the event
 FutureMessageResult DefaultMuleEventContext.sendEventAsync(MuleMessage message, EndpointURI endpointUri, int timeout)
          sends an event request via the configured outbound router for this service.

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.api

Methods in org.mule.api that return EndpointURI
 EndpointURI MuleEventContext.getEndpointURI()
          Returns a reference to the Endpoint Uri for this context This is the endpoint on which the event was received

Methods in org.mule.api with parameters of type EndpointURI
 void MuleEventContext.dispatchEvent(MuleMessage message, EndpointURI endpoint)
          Depending on the session state this methods either Passes an event asynchronously to the next available Mule component in the pool or via the endpoint configured for the event
 MuleMessage MuleEventContext.requestEvent(EndpointURI endpoint, long timeout)
          Requests a synchronous receive of an event on the service.
 MuleMessage MuleEventContext.sendEvent(MuleMessage message, EndpointURI endpoint)
          Depending on the session state this methods either Passes an event synchronously to the next available Mule component in the pool or via the endpoint configured for the event
 FutureMessageResult MuleEventContext.sendEventAsync(MuleMessage message, EndpointURI endpoint, int timeout)
          sends an event request via the configured outbound router for this service.

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.api.endpoint

Methods in org.mule.api.endpoint that return EndpointURI
 EndpointURI uri)
 EndpointURI ImmutableEndpoint.getEndpointURI()
          This specifess the communication endpointUri.

Methods in org.mule.api.endpoint with parameters of type EndpointURI
 InboundEndpoint EndpointFactory.getInboundEndpoint(EndpointURI endpointUri)
 OutboundEndpoint EndpointFactory.getOutboundEndpoint(EndpointURI endpointUri)

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.api.transport

Methods in org.mule.api.transport that return EndpointURI
 EndpointURI MessageReceiver.getEndpointURI()
          The endpointUri that this receiver listens on

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.config.i18n

Methods in org.mule.config.i18n with parameters of type EndpointURI
static Message CoreMessages.authDeniedOnEndpoint(EndpointURI endpointURI)
static Message CoreMessages.failedToCreateConnectorFromUri(EndpointURI uri)
static Message CoreMessages.listenerAlreadyRegistered(EndpointURI endpointUri)

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.endpoint

Classes in org.mule.endpoint that implement EndpointURI
 class MuleEndpointURI
          MuleEndpointURI is used to determine how a message is sent of received.

Methods in org.mule.endpoint that return EndpointURI
 EndpointURI uri)
 EndpointURI URIBuilder.getEndpoint()
 EndpointURI AbstractEndpoint.getEndpointURI()
 EndpointURI DynamicURIInboundEndpoint.getEndpointURI()
 EndpointURI DynamicURIOutboundEndpoint.getEndpointURI()

Methods in org.mule.endpoint with parameters of type EndpointURI
protected  ImmutableEndpoint DefaultEndpointFactory.getEndpoint(EndpointURI uri, org.mule.endpoint.DefaultEndpointFactory.EndpointSource source)
 InboundEndpoint DefaultEndpointFactory.getInboundEndpoint(EndpointURI uri)
protected  List AbstractEndpointBuilder.getInboundEndpointResponseTransformers(Connector connector, EndpointURI endpointURI)
protected  List AbstractEndpointBuilder.getInboundTransformers(Connector connector, EndpointURI endpointURI)
protected  String AbstractEndpointBuilder.getName(EndpointURI endpointURI)
 OutboundEndpoint DefaultEndpointFactory.getOutboundEndpoint(EndpointURI uri)
protected  List AbstractEndpointBuilder.getOutboundEndpointResponseTransformers(Connector connector, EndpointURI endpointURI)
protected  List AbstractEndpointBuilder.getOutboundTransformers(Connector connector, EndpointURI endpointURI)
protected  boolean AbstractEndpointBuilder.getSynchronous(Connector connector, EndpointURI endpointURI)
 void DynamicURIInboundEndpoint.setEndpointURI(EndpointURI dynamicEndpointURI)
 void DynamicURIOutboundEndpoint.setEndpointURI(EndpointURI dynamicEndpointURI)

Constructors in org.mule.endpoint with parameters of type EndpointURI
AbstractEndpoint(Connector connector, EndpointURI endpointUri, List transformers, List responseTransformers, String name, Map properties, TransactionConfig transactionConfig, Filter filter, boolean deleteUnacceptedMessages, EndpointSecurityFilter securityFilter, boolean synchronous, int responseTimeout, String initialState, String endpointEncoding, String endpointBuilderName, MuleContext muleContext, RetryPolicyTemplate retryPolicyTemplate)
DefaultInboundEndpoint(Connector connector, EndpointURI endpointUri, List transformers, List responseTransformers, String name, Map properties, TransactionConfig transactionConfig, Filter filter, boolean deleteUnacceptedMessage, EndpointSecurityFilter securityFilter, boolean synchronous, int responseTimeout, String initialState, String endpointEncoding, String endpointBuilderName, MuleContext muleContext, RetryPolicyTemplate retryPolicyTemplate)
DefaultOutboundEndpoint(Connector connector, EndpointURI endpointUri, List transformers, List responseTransformers, String name, Map properties, TransactionConfig transactionConfig, Filter filter, boolean deleteUnacceptedMessage, EndpointSecurityFilter securityFilter, boolean synchronous, int responseTimeout, String initialState, String endpointEncoding, String endpointBuilderName, MuleContext muleContext, RetryPolicyTemplate retryPolicyTemplate)
DynamicURIInboundEndpoint(InboundEndpoint endpoint, EndpointURI dynamicEndpointURI)
DynamicURIOutboundEndpoint(OutboundEndpoint endpoint, EndpointURI dynamicEndpointURI)
EndpointURIEndpointBuilder(EndpointURI endpointURI, MuleContext muleContext)
MuleEndpointURI(EndpointURI endpointUri)
MuleEndpointURI(EndpointURI endpointUri, String filterAddress)
URIBuilder(EndpointURI endpointURI)

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.message

Methods in org.mule.message that return EndpointURI
 EndpointURI ExceptionMessage.getEndpoint()

Constructors in org.mule.message with parameters of type EndpointURI
ExceptionMessage(Object message, Throwable exception, String componentName, EndpointURI endpointUri)

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.module.client

Methods in org.mule.module.client with parameters of type EndpointURI
 void MuleClient.registerComponent(Object component, String name, EndpointURI listenerEndpoint)
          Deprecated. Use the RegistryContext to get the registry and register the service there

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.routing.outbound

Methods in org.mule.routing.outbound with parameters of type EndpointURI
protected  OutboundEndpoint AbstractRecipientList.getRecipientEndpointFromUri(EndpointURI uri)

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.transport

Methods in org.mule.transport that return EndpointURI
 EndpointURI AbstractMessageReceiver.getEndpointURI()

Methods in org.mule.transport with parameters of type EndpointURI
 void AbstractConnector.initialiseFromUrl(EndpointURI endpointUri)
          When this connector is created via the TransportFactory the endpoint used to determine the connector type is passed to this method so that any properties set on the endpoint that can be used to initialise the connector are made available.

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.transport.cxf

Methods in org.mule.transport.cxf with parameters of type EndpointURI
protected  void CxfConnector.registerReceiverWithMuleService(MessageReceiver receiver, EndpointURI ep)

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.transport.file.i18n

Methods in org.mule.transport.file.i18n with parameters of type EndpointURI
static Message FileMessages.invalidFileFilter(EndpointURI endpointURI)

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.transport.ftp

Methods in org.mule.transport.ftp with parameters of type EndpointURI
 void FtpConnector.destroyFtp(EndpointURI uri, client)
    FtpConnector.getFtp(EndpointURI uri)
protected  ObjectPool FtpConnector.getFtpPool(EndpointURI uri)
 void FtpConnector.releaseFtp(EndpointURI uri, client)

Constructors in org.mule.transport.ftp with parameters of type EndpointURI
FtpConnectionFactory(EndpointURI uri)

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.transport.service

Methods in org.mule.transport.service with parameters of type EndpointURI
static Connector TransportFactory.createConnector(EndpointURI url, MuleContext muleContext)
          Creates an uninitialied connector from the provided MuleEndpointURI.
static Connector TransportFactory.getOrCreateConnectorByProtocol(EndpointURI uri, MuleContext muleContext)
          Returns an initialized connector.

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.transport.soap.axis

Methods in org.mule.transport.soap.axis with parameters of type EndpointURI
protected  String AxisServiceComponent.getServiceName(MuleEventContext context, EndpointURI endpointUri)
protected  void AxisServiceComponent.processMethodRequest(org.apache.axis.MessageContext msgContext, MuleEventContext context, WriterMessageAdapter response, EndpointURI endpointUri)
protected  void AxisConnector.registerReceiverWithMuleService(MessageReceiver receiver, EndpointURI ep)
protected  void AxisMessageDispatcher.setSoapAction(MuleEvent event, EndpointURI endpointUri, org.apache.axis.client.Call call)
protected  void AxisMessageDispatcher.setUserCredentials(EndpointURI endpointUri, org.apache.axis.client.Call call)
protected  void AxisConnector.unregisterReceiverWithMuleService(MessageReceiver receiver, EndpointURI ep)

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.transport.vm

Methods in org.mule.transport.vm with parameters of type EndpointURI
protected  MessageReceiver VMConnector.getReceiverByEndpoint(EndpointURI endpointUri)

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.transport.xmpp

Methods in org.mule.transport.xmpp with parameters of type EndpointURI
 org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection XmppConnector.createXmppConnection(EndpointURI endpointURI)
protected  org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection XmppConnector.doCreateXmppConnection(EndpointURI endpointURI)
          This method creates and returns the XMPPConnection object that's uses to talk to the Jabber server.
protected  org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection XmppsConnector.doCreateXmppConnection(EndpointURI endpointURI)
          This method creates a SSLXMPPConnection to allow secure communication to the Jabber server.

Uses of EndpointURI in org.mule.util

Methods in org.mule.util with parameters of type EndpointURI
static String ObjectNameHelper.getEndpointName(EndpointURI endpointUri)

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