Package org.mule.api

The Universal Message Object(tm) API provides a way for components to interact without needing to know about the protocol or delivery mechanisms of information passed between them


Interface Summary
EncryptionStrategy EncryptionStrategy can be used to provide different types of Encryption strategy objects.
ExceptionPayload ExceptionPayload is a message payload that contains exception information that occurred during message processing.
MuleEvent MuleEvent represents any data event occuring in the Mule environment.
MuleEventContext MuleEventContext is the context object for the current request.
MuleMessage MuleMessage represents a message payload.
MuleMessageCollection An interface that defines a collection of Mule Messages and methods for working with the collection.
MuleSession MuleSession is the context in which a request is executed.
NamedObject Adds NamedObject.getName() and NamedObject.setName(java.lang.String) methods to an object
ThreadSafeAccess Interface implemented by message-related objects that avoid exposing mutable data to multiple threads by providing immutable copies.

Class Summary
FutureMessageResult FutureMessageResult is an MuleMessage result of a remote invocation on a Mule Server.
ThreadSafeAccess.AccessControl This helper class can be used by code implementing this interface to determine whether the thread safety of a message should be enforced or not.

Exception Summary
DefaultMuleException MuleException Is the base exception type for the Mule application any other exceptions thrown by Mule code will be based on this exception.
MessagingException MessagingException is a general message exception thrown when errors specific to Message processing occur..
MuleException MuleException is the base exception type for the Mule server any other exceptions thrown by Mule code will be based on this exception,
MuleRuntimeException MuleRuntimeException Is the base runtime exception type for the Mule Server any other runtimes exceptions thrown by Mule code will use or be based on this exception.

Package org.mule.api Description

The Universal Message Object(tm) API provides a way for components to interact without needing to know about the protocol or delivery mechanisms of information passed between them

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