Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractTransformer
org.mule.module.client Simple interface for Mule clients to send and receive events from local or remote Mule Servers. 
org.mule.module.xml.transformer Xml and Xslt Transformer implementations. 
org.mule.tck.functional Helper classes and interfaces used by Mule fnctional tests. 
org.mule.transformer Provides the default transformer base implementations for Mule including compression and encryption support. 
org.mule.transformer.codec Transformers for Base64, UC and UU encoding/decoding. 
org.mule.transformer.compression Transformers for compressing and uncompressing message payloads. 
org.mule.transformer.encryption Transformers for encrypting and decrypting message payloads. 
org.mule.transformer.simple Basic transformer implementations. Contains transformers to convert to and from the java.mail.Message type. 
org.mule.transport.file.transformers Transformers for converting to and from the FileMessage type. 
org.mule.transport.jms.transformers Contains transformers to convert to and from different javax.jms.Message types 

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.example.bookstore.transformers

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.example.bookstore.transformers
 class AddBookResponse
          A call to addBook() returns a Long representing the number of books in the catalog.
 class OrderToEmailTransformer
          Composes an e-mail notification message to be sent based on the Book Order.
 class ParameterMapToBook
          Transforms a Map of HttpRequest parameters into a Book object.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.example.errorhandler

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.example.errorhandler
 class ErrorMessageToException
          The ErrorMessageToException transformer extracts and returns the exception encapsulated by the ErrorMessage message payload.
 class ErrorMessageToExceptionBean
          The ErrorMessageToExceptionBean transformer returns the exception bean encapsulated by the ErrorMessage message payload.
 class ExceptionBeanToErrorMessage

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.example.hello

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.example.hello
 class ChatStringToString
          NameStringToChatString is a dummy transformer used in the hello world application to transform the ChatString object into a string.
 class ExceptionToString
          ExceptionToString converts an exception to a String, returning the exception's getMessage() result.
 class HttpRequestToNameString
 class NameStringToChatString
          NameStringToChatString converts from a NameString object to a ChatString object.
 class StdinToNameString
          The transformation removes break-lines and newlines from the string, which potentially could have been added during a stdin input operation.
 class StringToNameString
          StringToNameString converts from a String to a NameString object.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.example.loanbroker.transformers

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.example.loanbroker.transformers
 class CreditProfileXmlToCreditProfile
 class LoanQuoteRequestToCreditProfileArgs
          Extracts the customer information from the request into an array of arguments used to invoke the Credit Agency MuleSession bean
 class RestRequestToCustomerRequest
          Converts parameters on the message into a CustomerQuoteRequest object
 class SetLendersAsRecipients
          Set the Recipient List property on the LoanBrokerQuoteRequest message based on the list of banks in LoanBrokerQuoteRequest.getLenders()

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.example.scripting

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.example.scripting
 class SimpleMathTransformer
          A simple transformer which adds/subtracts/multiplies/divides a constant factor to numeric messages.
 class StringToNumber
          Converts a string to a number.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.expression.transformers

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.expression.transformers
 class AbstractExpressionTransformer
          This transformer will evaluate one or more expressions on the current message and return the results as an Array.
 class BeanBuilderTransformer
          This transformer uses the returnClass to create the return object and then will populate the bean with arguments defined as expressions
 class ExpressionTransformer
          This transformer will evaluate one or more expressions on the current message and return the results as an Array.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.module.client

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.module.client
 class AbstractEventTransformer
          AbstractEventTransformer adds support for adding method details to the result message.
 class EventObjectTransformer
          EventObjectTransformer converts a java.util.EventObject into a DefaultMuleMessage.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.module.scripting.transformer

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.module.scripting.transformer
 class ScriptTransformer
          Runs a script to perform transformation on an object.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.module.spring.remoting

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.module.spring.remoting
 class ObjectToRemoteInvocationResultTransformer
          Converts an Object to a Spring RemoteInvocationResult and then into a byte[].
 class ObjectToRemoteInvocationTransformer
          Transforms a byte[] into an ObjectInputStream and then into a Spring RemoteInvocation instance.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.module.xml.transformer

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.module.xml.transformer
 class AbstractXmlTransformer
          AbstractXmlTransformer offers some XSLT transform on a DOM (or other XML-ish) object.
 class AbstractXStreamTransformer
          AbstractXStreamTransformer is a base class for all XStream based transformers.
 class DomDocumentToXml
          DomDocumentToXml Transform a org.w3c.dom.Document to XML String
 class JXPathExtractor
          The JXPathExtractor is a simple transformer that evaluates an xpath expression against the given bean and that returns the result.
 class ObjectToXml
          ObjectToXml converts any object to XML using Xstream.
 class XmlPrettyPrinter
 class XmlToDomDocument
          XmlToDomDocument transforms a XML String to org.w3c.dom.Document.
 class XmlToObject
          XmlToObject converts xml created by the ObjectToXml transformer in to a java object graph.
 class XmlToOutputHandler
 class XmlToXMLStreamReader
 class XPathExtractor
          Simple transformer for using the JAXP XPath library to extract an XPath value from an XPath expression.
 class XsltTransformer
          XsltTransformer performs an XSLT transform on a DOM (or other XML-ish) object.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.tck.functional

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.tck.functional
 class StringAppendTestTransformer

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transformer

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transformer
 class AbstractDiscoverableTransformer
 class AbstractMessageAwareTransformer
          AbstractMessageAwareTransformer is a transformer that has a reference to the current message.
 class NoActionTransformer
          NoActionTransformer doesn't do any transformation on the source object and returns the source as the result.
 class TransformerCollection
 class TransformerTemplate

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transformer.codec

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transformer.codec
 class Base64Decoder
          Base64Encoder transforms Base64 encoded data into strings or byte arrays.
 class Base64Encoder
          Base64Encoder transforms strings or byte arrays into Base64 encoded string.
 class XmlEntityDecoder
          Decodes a String or byte[] containing XML entities
 class XmlEntityEncoder
          Encodes a string with XML entities

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transformer.compression

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transformer.compression
 class AbstractCompressionTransformer
          AbstractCompressionTransformer is a base class for all transformers that can compress or uncompress data when they performa message transformation.
 class GZipCompressTransformer
          GZipCompressTransformer is a transformer compressing objects into byte arrays.
 class GZipUncompressTransformer
          GZipCompressTransformer will uncompress a byte[] or InputStream

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transformer.encryption

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transformer.encryption
 class AbstractEncryptionTransformer
          EncryptionTransformer will transform an array of bytes or string into an encrypted array of bytes
 class DecryptionTransformer
          EncryptionTransformer will transform an encrypted array of bytes or string into an decrypted array of bytes
 class EncryptionTransformer
          EncryptionTransformer will transform an array of bytes or string into an encrypted array of bytes

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transformer.simple

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transformer.simple
 class AutoTransformer
          A transformer that uses the transform discovery mechanism to convert the message payload.
 class ByteArrayToHexString
          Converts a Byte array to a Hex String.
 class ByteArrayToMuleMessage
 class ByteArrayToObject
          ByteArrayToObject works in the same way as ByteArrayToSerializable but checks if the byte array is a serialised object and if not will return a String created from the bytes as the returnType on the transformer.
 class ByteArrayToSerializable
          ByteArrayToSerializable converts a serialized object to its object representation
 class GetBeanProperty
          Looks up a property from a JavaBean using PropertyUtils.getProperty().
 class HexStringToByteArray
          Converts a Hex String to a Byte array
 class MapLookup
          MapLookup looks up and returns an object from a Map based on a key.
 class MessagePropertiesTransformer
          A configurable message transformer that allows users to add, overwrite and delete properties on the current message.
 class MuleMessageToByteArray
 class ObjectArrayToString
          ObjectArrayToString transformer is the opposite of StringToObjectArray - it simply converts Object[] to a String in which each element is separated by a configurable delimiter (default is a space).
 class ObjectToByteArray
          ObjectToByteArray converts serilaizable object to a byte array but treats java.lang.String differently by converting to bytes using the String.getBytrs() method.
 class ObjectToInputStream
          ObjectToInputStream converts serilaizable object to a input stream but treats java.lang.String differently by converting to bytes using the String.getBytrs() method.
 class ObjectToOutputHandler
          ObjectToOutputHandler converts a byte array into a String.
 class ObjectToString
          ObjectToString transformer is useful for debugging.
 class SerializableToByteArray
          SerializableToByteArray converts a serializable object or a String to a byte array.
 class StringAppendTransformer
 class StringToObjectArray
          StringToObjectArray converts a String into an object array.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in
 class EmailMessageToString
          EmailMessageToString extracts a java mail Message contents and returns a string.
 class MimeMessageToRfc822ByteArray
 class ObjectToMimeMessage
          Transforms a javax.mail.Message to a MuleMessage, with support for attachments
 class Rfc822ByteArraytoMimeMessage
 class StringToEmailMessage
          StringToEmailMessage will convert a String to a JavaMail Message, using the String as the contents.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transport.file.transformers

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transport.file.transformers
 class FileToByteArray
          FileToByteArray reads the contents of a file as a byte array.
 class FileToString
          FileToString reads file contents into a string.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transport.http.transformers

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transport.http.transformers
 class HttpClientMethodResponseToObject
          HttpClientMethodResponseToObject transforms a http client response to a DefaultMuleMessage.
 class HttpRequestBodyToParamMap
 class HttpResponseToString
          Converts an Http Response object to String.
 class MuleMessageToHttpResponse
          Converts a UMOMEssage into an Http response.
 class ObjectToHttpClientMethodRequest
          ObjectToHttpClientMethodRequest transforms a MuleMessage into a HttpClient HttpMethod that represents an HttpRequest.
 class ServletRequestToOutputHandler
          Adds support for converting a HttpServletRequest into an OutputHandler

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transport.jms.transformers

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transport.jms.transformers
 class AbstractJmsTransformer
          AbstractJmsTransformer is an abstract class that should be used for all transformers where a JMS message will be the transformed or transformee object.
 class JMSMessageToObject
          JMSMessageToObject Will convert a javax.jms.Message or sub-type into an object by extracting the message payload.
 class ObjectToJMSMessage
          ObjectToJMSMessage will convert any object to a javax.jms.Message or sub-type into an object.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transport.servlet.transformers

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transport.servlet.transformers
 class HttpRequestToByteArray
          Converts an HttpServletRequest into an array of bytes by extracting the payload of the request.
 class HttpRequestToInputStream
          Converts an HttpServletRequest into an InputStream.
 class HttpRequestToParameter
 class HttpRequestToParameterMap
          Returns a simple Map of the parameters sent with the HTTP Request.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transport.soap.transformers

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transport.soap.transformers
 class HttpRequestToSoapRequest
          A simple transformer for converting an Http GET request into a SOAP request.

Uses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transport.xmpp.transformers

Subclasses of AbstractTransformer in org.mule.transport.xmpp.transformers
 class ObjectToXmppPacket
          Creates an Xmpp message packet from a MuleMessage
 class XmppPacketToObject

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