Package org.mule.util

Common helper classes for reading/writing files setting bean properties and SPI helpers.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
Base64.InputStream A Base64.InputStream will read data from another InputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.OutputStream A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another OutputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
BeanUtils BeanUtils provides functions for altering the way commons BeanUtils works
ChainedReader ChainedReader allows Reader objects to be chained together.
ClassUtils Extend the Apache Commons ClassUtils to provide additional functionality.
DateUtils DateUtils contains some useful methods dealing date/time conversion, formatting etc.
DebugUtils Useful for enumerating debug information about the current Java environment
DefaultStreamCloserService Closes streams of different types by looking up available StreamCloser's from the Mule registry.
ExceptionHolder TODO
ExceptionUtils Mule exception utilities.
FileUtils FileUtils contains useful methods for dealing with files & directories.
IOUtils Mule input/output utilities.
JndiContextHelper Common code for initialising the JNDI context.
MapCombiner This allows a collection (list) of maps to be defined in Spring, via the "list" property, and then presents all the maps as a single combine map at run time.
MuleLogger A Log wrapper that supports boilerplate logging for high impact messages
MuleUrlStreamHandlerFactory A factory for loading URL protocol handlers.
Multicaster Multicaster is a utility that can call a given method on a collection of objects that implement one or more common interfaces.
NumberUtils NumberUtils contains useful methods for manipulating numbers.
ObjectNameHelper Generates consistent objects names for Mule components
PropertiesUtils PropertiesHelper is a utility class for manipulating and filtering property Maps.
SplashScreen Implements singleton pattern to allow different splash-screen implementations following the concept of header, body, and footer.
StringMessageUtils Useful methods for formatting message strings for logging or exceptions.
StringUtils StringUtils contains useful methods for manipulating Strings.
TemplateParser TemplateParser is a simple string parser that will substitute tokens in a string with values supplied in a Map.
TimedSocket This class implements a timeout feature on socket connections.
UUID UUID Generates a UUID using the JUG library
XMLEntityCodec This encoder contains methods that convert characters to Character entities as defined by
XMLUtils These only depend on standard (JSE) XML classes and are used by Spring config code.

Package org.mule.util Description

Common helper classes for reading/writing files setting bean properties and SPI helpers.

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