Package org.mule.processor

Class Summary
AbstractDynamicMessageProcessor Implementation of MessageProcessor that dynamically chooses and uses another MessageProcessor
AbstractFilteringMessageProcessor Abstract InterceptingMessageProcessor that can be easily be extended and used for filtering message flow through a MessageProcessor chain.
AbstractInterceptingMessageProcessor Abstract implementation of InterceptingMessageProcessor that simply provides an implementation of setNext and holds the next message processor as an attribute.
AbstractInterceptingMessageProcessorBase Abstract implementation that provides the infrastructure for intercepting message processors.
AbstractMessageProcessorOwner An object that owns message processors and delegates startup/shutdown events to them.
AbstractMuleObjectOwner<T> An object that owns Mule objects and delegates startup/shutdown events to them.
AbstractRedeliveryPolicy Implement a redelivery policy for Mule.
AsyncDelegateMessageProcessor Processes MuleEvent's asynchronously using a MuleWorkManager to schedule asynchronous processing of MessageProcessor delegate configured the next MessageProcessor.
AsyncInterceptingMessageProcessor Processes MuleEvent's asynchronously using a MuleWorkManager to schedule asynchronous processing of the next MessageProcessor.
DelegateTransaction Transaction placeholder to replace with proper transaction once transactional resource is discovered by mule
DelegateTransactionFactory Transaction factory for DelegateTransaction.
EndpointTransactionalInterceptingMessageProcessor Wraps the invocation of the next MessageProcessor with a transaction.
IdempotentRedeliveryPolicy Implement a retry policy for Mule.
InvokerMessageProcessor InvokerMessageProcessor invokes a specified method of an object.
LaxSedaStageInterceptingMessageProcessor Processes MuleEvent's asynchronously using a MuleWorkManager to schedule asynchronous processing of the next MessageProcessor.
SecurityFilterMessageProcessor Filters the flow using the specified SecurityFilter.
SedaStageInterceptingMessageProcessor Processes MuleEvent's asynchronously using a MuleWorkManager to schedule asynchronous processing of the next MessageProcessor.
SedaStageLifecycleManager The lifecycle manager responsible for managing lifecycle transitions for a Mule service.
TransactionalInterceptingMessageProcessor Wraps the invocation of the next MessageProcessor with a transaction.

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