
Core security implementation including the mule security manager and encryption types


Interface Summary
SecretKeyFactory A factory class for providing secret keys to an instance of SecretKeyEncryptionStrategy.

Class Summary
AbstractAuthenticationFilter AbstractEndpointSecurityFilter provides a framework to perform inbound or outbound authentication for messages.
AbstractEndpointSecurityFilter Deprecated.
AbstractJCEEncryptionStrategy A JCE based encryption strategy.
AbstractSecurityFilter AbstractSecurityFilter provides basic initialisation for all security filters, namely configuring the SecurityManager for this instance
DefaultSecurityContext Trivial SecurityContext implementation which simply holds the Authentication object.
MuleCredentials MuleCredentials can be used to read and set Mule user information that can be stored in a message header.
MuleHeaderCredentialsAccessor MuleHeaderCredentialsAccessor obtains and sets the user credentials as Mule property headers.
MuleSecurityManager MuleSecurityManager is a default implementation security manager for a Mule instance.
PasswordBasedEncryptionStrategy Provides password-based encryption using JCE.
SecretKeyEncryptionStrategy SecretKey based encryption using JCE.
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter Performs authentication based on a username and password.

Package Description

Core security implementation including the mule security manager and encryption types

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