Package org.mule.config.spring.parsers

Classes that help to construct a Mule model via Spring's XML specification.


Interface Summary
MuleChildDefinitionParser Extra functionality exposed by child parsers
MuleDefinitionParser This is the interface all Mule BDPs implement.
PostProcessor This interface allows post-processing of the bean assmebler to be injected into definition parsers
PreProcessor This interface allows pre-processing of the element.

Class Summary
AbstractChildDefinitionParser This definition parser supports the definition of beans that are then set on the parent bean - it extends AbstractHierarchicalDefinitionParser with methods that assume the data are associated with a single property.
AbstractHierarchicalDefinitionParser This definition parser introduces the notion of Hierarchical processing to nested XML elements.
AbstractMuleBeanDefinitionParser This parser extends the Spring provided AbstractBeanDefinitionParser to provide additional features for consistently customising bean representations for Mule bean definition parsers.

Package org.mule.config.spring.parsers Description

Classes that help to construct a Mule model via Spring's XML specification.

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