Package org.mule.component

Class Summary
AbstractComponent Abstract Component to be used by all Component implementations.
AbstractJavaComponent Abstract implementation of JavaComponent adds JavaComponent specifics like EntryPointResolverSet and ObjectFactory.
ComponentLifecycleManager The lifecycle manager responsible for managing lifecycle transitions for a Mule service.
DefaultComponentLifecycleAdapter DefaultComponentLifecycleAdapter is a default implementation of LifecycleAdapter for use with JavaComponent that expects component instances to implement Mule lifecycle interfaces in order to receive lifecycle.
DefaultComponentLifecycleAdapterFactory DefaultComponentLifecycleAdapterFactory creates a DefaultComponentLifecycleAdapter.
DefaultJavaComponent Default implementation of JavaComponent.
NullLifecycleAdapter NullLifecycleAdapter is a lifecycle adaptor implementation that performs no Mule lifecycle propagation to Mule service component implementations.
PooledJavaComponent PooledJavaComponent implements pooling.
SimpleCallableJavaComponent Simple JavaComponent implementation to be used when LifecycleAdapter is not required because i) the object instance implements Callable and so entry-point resolution is required and ii) component bindings are not used.
An ObjectFactory can be set but must return object instances that implement Callable.

Exception Summary
ComponentException ComponentException should be thrown when some action on a component fails, such as starting or stopping

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