Package org.mule.api.context.notification

Interface Summary
AsyncMessageNotificationListener<T extends AsyncMessageNotification>  
BlockingServerEvent BlockingServerEvent is a marker interface that tells the server event manager to publish this event in the current thread, thus blocking the current thread of execution until all listeners have been processed
ClusterNodeNotificationListener<T extends ClusterNodeNotification> Defines a listener for ClusterNodeNotification
ComponentMessageNotificationListener<T extends ComponentMessageNotification> ComponentMessageNotificationListener is an observer interface that objects can use to receive notifications about messages being processed by components
ConnectionNotificationListener<T extends ConnectionNotification> ConnectionNotificationListener is an observer interface that objects can implement and then register themselves with the Mule manager to be notified when a Connection event occurs.
CustomNotificationListener<T extends ServerNotification> CustomNotificationListener is an observer interface that can be used to listen for Custom notifications using MuleContext.fireCustomEvent(..).
EndpointMessageNotificationListener<T extends EndpointMessageNotification> EndpointMessageNotificationListener is an observer interface that objects can use to receive notifications about messages being sent and received from endpoints
ExceptionNotificationListener<T extends ExceptionNotification> ExceptionNotificationListener is an observer interface that objects can implement and then register themselves with the Mule manager to be notified when a Exception event occurs.
ManagementNotificationListener<T extends ManagementNotification> ManagementNotificationListener is an observer interface that objects can use to receive notifications about the state of the Mule instance and its resources
MessageProcessorNotificationListener<T extends MessageProcessorNotification>  
ModelNotificationListener<T extends ModelNotification> ModelNotificationListener is an observer interface that objects can implement and then register themselves with the Mule manager to be notified when a Model event occurs.
MuleContextNotificationListener<T extends MuleContextNotification> MuleContextNotificationListener is an observer interface that objects can implement and then register themselves with the Mule manager to be notified when a Manager event occurs.
MuleMessageAware Signals that a Notification can have a MuleMessage available through it.
PipelineMessageNotificationListener<T extends PipelineMessageNotification>  
RegistryNotificationListener<T extends RegistryNotification> RegistryNotificationListener is an observer interface that objects can implement and then register themselves with the MuleContext to be notified when a Registry event occurs.
RoutingNotificationListener<T extends RoutingNotification> RoutingNotificationListener is an observer interface that objects can use to receive notifications about routing events such as async-reply misses.
SecurityNotificationListener<T extends SecurityNotification> MuleContextNotificationListener is an observer interface that objects can implement to receive notifications about secure access requests.
ServerNotificationListener<T extends ServerNotification> ServerNotificationListener is an observer interface that ojects can implement and register themselves with the Mule Server to receive notifications when the server, model and components stop, start, initialise, etc.
ServiceNotificationListener<T extends ServiceNotification> ServiceNotificationListener is an observer interface that objects can implement and then register themselves with the Mule manager to be notified when a Service event occurs.
TransactionNotificationListener<T extends TransactionNotification> TransactionNotificationListener is an observer interface that objects can implement and then register themselves with the Mule manager to be notified when a Transaction event occurs.

Class Summary
ServerNotification ServerNotification is an event triggered by something happening in the Server itself such as the server starting or a service being registered.

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