Package org.mule.lifecycle

Class Summary
AbstractLifecycleManager<O> This is a base implementation of the LifecycleManager interface and provides almost all the plumbing required to write a LifecycleManager implementation.
DefaultLifecycleState A safe facade for lifecycle manager that objects can use to monitor its own state
EmptyLifecycleCallback<O> A lifecycle callback that does nothing.
MuleContextLifecycleManager This is a specialized class that extends RegistryLifecycleManager and will invoke lifecycle on the registry instance for the MuleContext.
NotificationLifecycleObject TODO
PrimaryNodeLifecycleNotificationListener This class will start an Startable mule object that must only be started in the primary node.
SimpleLifecycleManager<O> This LifecycleManager implementation is designed to track the lifecycle of objects that support the Initialisable.PHASE_NAME, Startable.PHASE_NAME, Stoppable.PHASE_NAME and Disposable.PHASE_NAME phases and adds convenience methods for firing these phases by callbacks.

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