Interface EndpointAnnotationParser

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEndpointAnnotationParser, ScheduleAnnotationParser

public interface EndpointAnnotationParser

An SPI interface that will process an Endpoint annotation. Note that the Annotation must be annotated with the @Endpoint annotation.

Method Summary
 InboundEndpoint parseInboundEndpoint(Annotation annotation, Map metaInfo)
          Creates an inbound endpoint from the annotation.
 OutboundEndpoint parseOutboundEndpoint(Annotation annotation, Map metaInfo)
          Creates an outbound endpoint from the annotation.
 boolean supports(Annotation annotation, Class clazz, Member member)
          Determines whether this parser can process the current annotation.

Method Detail


OutboundEndpoint parseOutboundEndpoint(Annotation annotation,
                                       Map metaInfo)
                                       throws MuleException
Creates an outbound endpoint from the annotation.

annotation - the annotation to process
metaInfo - any additional info that can be used to construct the endpoint. Typically a connector name might be in this map so that all endpoints for the current object can share the same connector
a new OutboundEndpoint object configured according to the annotation
MuleException - if the outbound endpoint cannot be created. A Mule-specific error will be thrown.


InboundEndpoint parseInboundEndpoint(Annotation annotation,
                                     Map metaInfo)
                                     throws MuleException
Creates an inbound endpoint from the annotation.

annotation - the annotation to process
metaInfo - any additional info that can be used to construct the endpoint. Typically a connector name might be in this map so that all endpoints for the current object can share the same connector
a new InboundEndpoint object configured according to the annotation
MuleException - if the inbound endpoint cannot be created. A Mule-specific error will be thrown.


boolean supports(Annotation annotation,
                 Class clazz,
                 Member member)
Determines whether this parser can process the current annotation. The clazz and member params are passed in so that further validation be done on the location, type or name of these elements.

annotation - the annotation being processed
clazz - the class on which the annotation was found
member - the member on which the annotation was found inside the class. This is only set when the annotation was either set on a Method, Field or Constructor class member, otherwise this value is null.
true if this parser supports the current annotation, false otherwise

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