Interface ObjectFactory

All Superinterfaces:
Disposable, Initialisable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractObjectFactory, JndiObjectFactory, PooledJavaComponent.LifeCycleAdapterFactory, PrototypeObjectFactory, SingletonObjectFactory, SpringBeanLookup

public interface ObjectFactory
extends Initialisable, Disposable

ObjectFactory is a generic Factory interface.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.mule.api.lifecycle.Initialisable
Fields inherited from interface org.mule.api.lifecycle.Disposable
Method Summary
 void addObjectInitialisationCallback(InitialisationCallback callback)
          Register a custom initialiser
 Object getInstance(MuleContext muleContext)
          Retrieve an instance of the object.
 Class<?> getObjectClass()
          Returns the class of the object to be instantiated without actually creating an instance.
 boolean isAutoWireObject()
          Return true if the created object should get its dependencies wired from the registry automatically.
 boolean isExternallyManagedLifecycle()
          Returns true if Mule should not manage the life-cycle the object instance returned from the ObjectFactory.
 boolean isSingleton()
          Returns true if the ObjectFactory implementation always returns the same object instance.
Methods inherited from interface org.mule.api.lifecycle.Initialisable
Methods inherited from interface org.mule.api.lifecycle.Disposable

Method Detail


Object getInstance(MuleContext muleContext)
                   throws Exception
Retrieve an instance of the object. This may create a new instance or look up an existing instance depending on the implementation. If a new instance is created it will also be initialized by this method (Initilisable.initialise()).

muleContext - the current MuleContext instance. This can be used for performing registry look-ups applying processors to newly created objects or even firing custom notifications
A new instance of an object. The factory may decide to return the same instance each type or create a new instance each time
Exception - if there is an exception thrown creating the new instance


Class<?> getObjectClass()
Returns the class of the object to be instantiated without actually creating an instance. This may not be logical or even possible depending on the implementation.


boolean isSingleton()
Returns true if the ObjectFactory implementation always returns the same object instance.


boolean isExternallyManagedLifecycle()
Returns true if Mule should not manage the life-cycle the object instance returned from the ObjectFactory. This is normally false except when an ObjectFactory implementation obtains instance from containers (e.g. Spring) that already manages the objects lifecycle. instance.


boolean isAutoWireObject()
Return true if the created object should get its dependencies wired from the registry automatically. Typically Mule object factories would return true for this value, objects managed by DI container such as Spring should set this to false.


void addObjectInitialisationCallback(InitialisationCallback callback)
Register a custom initialiser

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