Uses of Interface

Packages that use MessageSource
org.mule.api.endpoint Endpoint interfaces. 
org.mule.api.transport Contains the interfaces that comprise a provider implementation. 
org.mule.endpoint Implemtation of Mule endpoint uris. 
org.mule.routing Defines the core routing patterns supported by mule. 
org.mule.routing.outbound Outbound router implementation as described in the Enterprise Integration Patterns book. 
org.mule.transport Contains Abstract classes providing common functionality for all Mule providers. 
org.mule.transport.ejb Provides pop3, smtp and imap connectivity for Mule
org.mule.transport.file Provides file transport in the form of a directory listeners and file dispatchers. 
org.mule.transport.http Provides http transport including proxy support. 
org.mule.transport.jdbc Provides jdbc transport. 
org.mule.transport.jms Provides Jms transport connectivity with support for all Jms features. 
org.mule.transport.jms.websphere Provides Jms connectivity with Websphere-specific workarounds and improvements. 
org.mule.transport.multicast IP multicast connectivity for Mule
org.mule.transport.soap.axis Provides an Axis soap transport for Mule
org.mule.transport.ssl Provides tcp connectivity over Ssl for Mule
org.mule.transport.tcp Provides tcp connectivity for Mule
org.mule.transport.udp Provides Udp connectivity for Mule
org.mule.transport.vm A connector implementation allowing events to be passed between Mule sessions via in-memory queues. 

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.api.construct

Methods in org.mule.api.construct that return MessageSource
 MessageSource Pipeline.getMessageSource()

Methods in org.mule.api.construct with parameters of type MessageSource
 void Pipeline.setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.api.endpoint

Subinterfaces of MessageSource in org.mule.api.endpoint
 interface InboundEndpoint

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.api.interceptor

Subinterfaces of MessageSource in org.mule.api.interceptor
 interface Interceptor
          Interceptor is based on a similar concept of servlet filters and works much the same way.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.api.processor

Subinterfaces of MessageSource in org.mule.api.processor
 interface InterceptingMessageProcessor
           Processes MuleEvent's intercepting another listener MessageProcessor.
 interface RequestReplyReplierMessageProcessor
           Processes a MuleEvent's by invoking the next MessageProcessor and then rather than returning the result to this processors MessageSource sending it via a seperate reply MessageProcessor,

Methods in org.mule.api.processor with parameters of type MessageSource
 void RequestReplyRequesterMessageProcessor.setReplySource(MessageSource replyMessageSource)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.api.service

Methods in org.mule.api.service that return MessageSource
 MessageSource Service.getMessageSource()

Methods in org.mule.api.service with parameters of type MessageSource
 void Service.setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.api.source

Subinterfaces of MessageSource in org.mule.api.source
 interface ClusterizableMessageSource
          Defines a message source that runs in only one node of a cluster.
 interface CompositeMessageSource
          Composes multiple MessageSources.

Methods in org.mule.api.source that return types with arguments of type MessageSource
 List<MessageSource> CompositeMessageSource.getSources()

Methods in org.mule.api.source with parameters of type MessageSource
 void CompositeMessageSource.addSource(MessageSource messageSource)
 void CompositeMessageSource.removeSource(MessageSource messageSource)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.api.transport

Subinterfaces of MessageSource in org.mule.api.transport
 interface MessageReceiver
          MessageReceiver is used to receive data from an external system.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.config.spring.factories

Fields in org.mule.config.spring.factories with type parameters of type MessageSource
protected  List<MessageSource> CompositeMessageSourceFactoryBean.sources

Methods in org.mule.config.spring.factories with parameters of type MessageSource
 void AbstractFlowConstructFactoryBean.setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource)

Method parameters in org.mule.config.spring.factories with type arguments of type MessageSource
 void CompositeMessageSourceFactoryBean.setMessageSources(List<MessageSource> sources)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.construct

Classes in org.mule.construct that implement MessageSource
 class AbstractPipeline.ProcessIfPipelineStartedMessageProcessor

Fields in org.mule.construct declared as MessageSource
protected  MessageSource AbstractPipeline.messageSource

Methods in org.mule.construct that return MessageSource
 MessageSource AbstractPipeline.getMessageSource()

Methods in org.mule.construct with parameters of type MessageSource
 void AbstractPipeline.setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource)

Constructors in org.mule.construct with parameters of type MessageSource
Bridge(String name, MuleContext muleContext, MessageSource messageSource, OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint, List<MessageProcessor> transformers, List<MessageProcessor> responseTransformers, MessageExchangePattern exchangePattern, boolean transacted)
SimpleService(String name, MuleContext muleContext, MessageSource messageSource, List<MessageProcessor> transformers, List<MessageProcessor> responseTransformers, Component component, SimpleService.Type type)
Validator(String name, MuleContext muleContext, MessageSource messageSource, OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint, Filter validationFilter, String ackExpression, String nackExpression)
Validator(String name, MuleContext muleContext, MessageSource messageSource, OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint, Filter validationFilter, String ackExpression, String nackExpression, String errorExpression)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.construct.builder

Fields in org.mule.construct.builder declared as MessageSource
protected  MessageSource AbstractFlowConstructBuilder.messageSource

Methods in org.mule.construct.builder with parameters of type MessageSource
 T AbstractFlowConstructBuilder.messageSource(MessageSource messageSource)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.endpoint

Classes in org.mule.endpoint that implement MessageSource
 class DefaultInboundEndpoint
 class DynamicURIInboundEndpoint
          Allow's EndpointURI to be set and changed dynamically by wrapping up an immutable endpoint instance.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.endpoint.outbound

Classes in org.mule.endpoint.outbound that implement MessageSource
 class OutboundResponsePropertiesMessageProcessor
          Propagates properties from request message to response message as defined by OutboundEndpoint.getResponseProperties().
 class OutboundTxRollbackMessageProcessor
          MessageProcessor implementation that stops outbound flow is the current transaction has been rolled back.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.example.loanbroker.routers

Classes in org.mule.example.loanbroker.routers that implement MessageSource
 class BankQuotesInboundAggregator
          BankQuotesInboundAggregator receives a number of quotes and selects the lowest
 class BankQuotesResponseAggregator
          BankQuotesInboundAggregator receives a number of quotes and selects the lowest

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.execution

Methods in org.mule.execution that return MessageSource
 MessageSource MessageProcessContext.getMessageSource()

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.interceptor

Classes in org.mule.interceptor that implement MessageSource
 class AbstractEnvelopeInterceptor
          EnvelopeInterceptor is an intercepter that will fire before and after an event is received.
 class InterceptorStack
          Maintains a list of interceptors that can be applied to components.
 class LoggingInterceptor
          LoggingInterceptor is a simple interceptor that logs a message before and after the event processing.
 class ProcessingTimeInterceptor
          Calculate and record the processing time for a message processing chain
 class TimerInterceptor
          TimerInterceptor simply times and displays the time taken to process an event.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.lifecycle.processor

Classes in org.mule.lifecycle.processor that implement MessageSource
 class ProcessIfStartedMessageProcessor
 class ProcessIfStartedWaitIfPausedMessageProcessor
 class ProcessIfStartedWaitIfSyncPausedMessageProcessor

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.module.atom.routing

Classes in org.mule.module.atom.routing that implement MessageSource
 class FeedSplitter
          An inbound router that will split a Feed into entries.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.module.cxf

Classes in org.mule.module.cxf that implement MessageSource
 class CxfInboundMessageProcessor
          The CxfInboundMessageProcessor performs inbound CXF processing, sending an event through the CXF service, then on to the next MessageProcessor.
 class CxfOutboundMessageProcessor
          The CxfOutboundMessageProcessor performs outbound CXF processing, sending an event through the CXF client, then on to the next MessageProcessor.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.module.cxf.config

Classes in org.mule.module.cxf.config that implement MessageSource
 class FlowConfiguringMessageProcessor
          Wraps a MessageProcessorBuilder and configures it lazily so it can be injected with the FlowConstruct.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.module.scripting.filter

Classes in org.mule.module.scripting.filter that implement MessageSource
 class ScriptFilter

Uses of MessageSource in

Constructors in with parameters of type MessageSource
WSProxy(String name, MuleContext muleContext, MessageSource messageSource, OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint, List<MessageProcessor> transformers, List<MessageProcessor> responseTransformers)
WSProxy(String name, MuleContext muleContext, MessageSource messageSource, OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint, List<MessageProcessor> transformers, List<MessageProcessor> responseTransformers, String wsdlContents)
WSProxy(String name, MuleContext muleContext, MessageSource messageSource, OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint, List<MessageProcessor> transformers, List<MessageProcessor> responseTransformers, URI wsdlUri)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.processor

Classes in org.mule.processor that implement MessageSource
 class AbstractFilteringMessageProcessor
          Abstract InterceptingMessageProcessor that can be easily be extended and used for filtering message flow through a MessageProcessor chain.
 class AbstractInterceptingMessageProcessor
          Abstract implementation of InterceptingMessageProcessor that simply provides an implementation of setNext and holds the next message processor as an attribute.
 class AbstractRedeliveryPolicy
          Implement a redelivery policy for Mule.
 class AbstractResponseMessageProcessor
 class AsyncInterceptingMessageProcessor
          Processes MuleEvent's asynchronously using a MuleWorkManager to schedule asynchronous processing of the next MessageProcessor.
 class EndpointTransactionalInterceptingMessageProcessor
          Wraps the invocation of the next MessageProcessor with a transaction.
 class ExceptionHandlingMessageProcessor
 class IdempotentRedeliveryPolicy
          Implement a retry policy for Mule.
 class LaxAsyncInterceptingMessageProcessor
 class LaxSedaStageInterceptingMessageProcessor
          Processes MuleEvent's asynchronously using a MuleWorkManager to schedule asynchronous processing of the next MessageProcessor.
 class ResponseMessageProcessorAdapter
 class SecurityFilterMessageProcessor
          Filters the flow using the specified SecurityFilter.
 class SedaStageInterceptingMessageProcessor
          Processes MuleEvent's asynchronously using a MuleWorkManager to schedule asynchronous processing of the next MessageProcessor.
 class StopFurtherMessageProcessingMessageProcessor
 class TransactionalInterceptingMessageProcessor
          Wraps the invocation of the next MessageProcessor with a transaction.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.routing

Classes in org.mule.routing that implement MessageSource
 class AbstractAggregator
          AbstractEventAggregator will aggregate a set of messages into a single message.
 class AbstractCorrelationAggregator
          AbstractCorrelationAggregatingMessageProcessor uses the CorrelationID and CorrelationGroupSize properties of the MuleMessage to manage message groups.
 class AbstractSplitter
          Splits a message invoking the next message processor one for each split part.
 class CollectionSplitter
          Splits a message that has a Collection, Iterable, MessageSequence or Iterator payload invoking the next message processor one for each item in it.
 class ExpressionSplitter
          Splits a message using the expression provided invoking the next message processor one for each split part.
 class IdempotentMessageFilter
          IdempotentMessageFilter ensures that only unique messages are passed on.
 class IdempotentSecureHashMessageFilter
          IdempotentSecureHashMessageFilter ensures that only unique messages are received by a service.
 class MapSplitter
          Splits a message that has a map payload invoking the next message processor one for each item in the map in order.
 class MessageChunkAggregator
 class MessageChunkSplitter
          A router that breaks up the current message onto smaller parts and sends them to the same destination.
 class MessageFilter
          Implementation of InterceptingMessageProcessor that filters message flow using a Filter.
 class Resequencer
          Resequencer is used to resequence events according to their dispatch sequence in the correlation group.
 class SimpleCollectionAggregator
          This router will return all aggregated events as a MuleMessageCollection.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.routing.outbound

Classes in org.mule.routing.outbound that implement MessageSource
 class AbstractMessageSequenceSplitter
          Base implementation of a MuleMessage splitter, that converts its payload in a MessageSequence, and process each element of it.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.routing.requestreply

Classes in org.mule.routing.requestreply that implement MessageSource
 class AbstractReplyToPropertyRequestReplyReplier
 class AsyncReplyToPropertyRequestReplyReplier
 class ReplyToPropertyRequestReplyReplier
 class SimpleRequestReplyReplier

Fields in org.mule.routing.requestreply declared as MessageSource
protected  MessageSource AbstractAsyncRequestReplyRequester.replyMessageSource

Methods in org.mule.routing.requestreply with parameters of type MessageSource
 void SimpleAsyncRequestReplyRequester.setMessageSource(MessageSource source)
 void AbstractAsyncRequestReplyRequester.setReplySource(MessageSource messageSource)
protected  void SimpleAsyncRequestReplyRequester.verifyReplyMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource)
protected  void AbstractAsyncRequestReplyRequester.verifyReplyMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.service

Classes in org.mule.service that implement MessageSource
 class ForwardingConsumer
 class ServiceAsyncReplyCompositeMessageSource
 class ServiceCompositeMessageSource

Fields in org.mule.service declared as MessageSource
protected  MessageSource AbstractService.messageSource

Methods in org.mule.service that return MessageSource
 MessageSource AbstractService.getMessageSource()

Methods in org.mule.service with parameters of type MessageSource
 void ServiceCompositeMessageSource.addSource(MessageSource source)
 void ServiceCompositeMessageSource.removeSource(MessageSource source)
 void AbstractService.setMessageSource(MessageSource inboundMessageSource)

Method parameters in org.mule.service with type arguments of type MessageSource
 void ServiceCompositeMessageSource.setMessageSources(List<MessageSource> sources)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.service.processor

Classes in org.mule.service.processor that implement MessageSource
 class ServiceAsyncRequestReplyRequestor
 class ServiceInternalMessageProcessor
 class ServiceOutboundMessageProcessor

Methods in org.mule.service.processor with parameters of type MessageSource
protected  void ServiceAsyncRequestReplyRequestor.verifyReplyMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.source

Classes in org.mule.source that implement MessageSource
 class ClusterizableMessageSourceWrapper
          Wraps a ClusterizableMessageSource in order to manage the lifecycle of the wrapped instance differently depending if the node is primary or not inside a cluster.
 class StartableCompositeMessageSource
          Implementation of CompositeMessageSource that propagates both injection of FlowConstruct and lifecycle to nested MessageSources.

Fields in org.mule.source with type parameters of type MessageSource
protected  List<MessageSource> StartableCompositeMessageSource.sources

Methods in org.mule.source that return types with arguments of type MessageSource
 List<MessageSource> StartableCompositeMessageSource.getSources()

Methods in org.mule.source with parameters of type MessageSource
 void StartableCompositeMessageSource.addSource(MessageSource source)
 void StartableCompositeMessageSource.removeSource(MessageSource source)

Method parameters in org.mule.source with type arguments of type MessageSource
 void StartableCompositeMessageSource.setMessageSources(List<MessageSource> sources)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport

Classes in org.mule.transport that implement MessageSource
 class AbstractMessageReceiver
          AbstractMessageReceiver provides common methods for all Message Receivers provided with Mule.
 class AbstractPollingMessageReceiver
          AbstractPollingMessageReceiver implements a base class for polling message receivers.
 class TransactedPollingMessageReceiver
          The TransactedPollingMessageReceiver is an abstract receiver that handles polling and transaction management.

Methods in org.mule.transport that return MessageSource
 MessageSource AbstractTransportMessageProcessTemplate.getMessageSource()

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.ajax

Classes in org.mule.transport.ajax that implement MessageSource
 class AjaxMessageReceiver
          Registers a receiver service with Bayeux.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.ejb

Classes in org.mule.transport.ejb that implement MessageSource
 class EjbMessageReceiver
          Will repeatedly call a method on an EJB object.

Uses of MessageSource in

Classes in that implement MessageSource
 class RetrieveMessageReceiver
          Poll a mailbox for messages, remove the messages and route them as events into Mule.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.file

Classes in org.mule.transport.file that implement MessageSource
 class FileMessageReceiver
          FileMessageReceiver is a polling listener that reads files from a directory.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.ftp

Classes in org.mule.transport.ftp that implement MessageSource
 class FtpMessageReceiver

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.http

Classes in org.mule.transport.http that implement MessageSource
 class HttpMessageReceiver
          HttpMessageReceiver is a simple http server that can be used to listen for HTTP requests on a particular port.
 class HttpsMessageReceiver
 class OldHttpMessageReceiver
          HttpMessageReceiver is a simple http server that can be used to listen for HTTP requests on a particular port.
 class OldHttpsMessageReceiver
 class PollingHttpMessageReceiver
          Will poll an http URL and use the response as the input for a service request.
 class PollingHttpsMessageReceiver

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.http.construct

Constructors in org.mule.transport.http.construct with parameters of type MessageSource
HttpProxy(String name, MuleContext muleContext, MessageSource messageSource, OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint, List<MessageProcessor> transformers, List<MessageProcessor> responseTransformers, CachingStrategy cachingStrategy)

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.jdbc

Classes in org.mule.transport.jdbc that implement MessageSource
 class JdbcMessageReceiver
          Implements TransactedPollingMessageReceiver reading data from a database.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.jms

Classes in org.mule.transport.jms that implement MessageSource
 class JmsMessageReceiver
          Deprecated. use MultiConsumerJmsMessageReceiver (set by default).
 class MultiConsumerJmsMessageReceiver
          In Mule an endpoint corresponds to a single receiver.
 class SingleJmsMessageReceiver
          Registers a single Jms MessageListener for an endpoint
 class TransactedSingleResourceJmsMessageReceiver
 class XaTransactedJmsMessageReceiver

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.jms.websphere

Classes in org.mule.transport.jms.websphere that implement MessageSource
 class WebsphereTransactedJmsMessageReceiver

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.multicast

Classes in org.mule.transport.multicast that implement MessageSource
 class MulticastMessageReceiver

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.polling

Classes in org.mule.transport.polling that implement MessageSource
 class MessageProcessorPollingMessageReceiver

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.quartz

Classes in org.mule.transport.quartz that implement MessageSource
 class QuartzMessageReceiver
          Listens for Quartz sheduled events using the Receiver Job and fires events to the service associated with this receiver.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.rmi

Classes in org.mule.transport.rmi that implement MessageSource
 class RmiCallbackMessageReceiver
 class RmiMessageReceiver
          Will repeatedly call a method on a Remote object.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.servlet

Classes in org.mule.transport.servlet that implement MessageSource
 class ServletMessageReceiver
          ServletMessageReceiver is a receiver that is invoked from a Servlet when an event is received.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.servlet.jetty

Classes in org.mule.transport.servlet.jetty that implement MessageSource
 class JettyHttpMessageReceiver
          JettyHttpMessageReceiver is a simple http server that can be used to listen for http requests on a particular port

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.sftp

Classes in org.mule.transport.sftp that implement MessageSource
 class SftpMessageReceiver
          SftpMessageReceiver polls and receives files from an sftp service using jsch.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.soap.axis

Classes in org.mule.transport.soap.axis that implement MessageSource
 class AxisMessageReceiver
          AxisMessageReceiver is used to register a component as a service with a Axis server.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.ssl

Classes in org.mule.transport.ssl that implement MessageSource
 class SslMessageReceiver

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.stdio

Classes in org.mule.transport.stdio that implement MessageSource
 class StdioMessageReceiver
          StdioMessageReceiver is a listener for events from Mule components which then simply passes the events on to the target components.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.tcp

Classes in org.mule.transport.tcp that implement MessageSource
 class ExceptionReturnTcpMessageReceiver
          Extends TcpMessageReceiver providing managing of protocol error conditions.
 class PollingTcpMessageReceiver
          PollingTcpMessageReceiver acts like a TCP client polling for new messages.
 class TcpMessageReceiver
          TcpMessageReceiver acts like a TCP server to receive socket requests.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.udp

Classes in org.mule.transport.udp that implement MessageSource
 class UdpMessageReceiver
          UdpMessageReceiver receives UDP message packets.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.vm

Classes in org.mule.transport.vm that implement MessageSource
 class VMMessageReceiver
          VMMessageReceiver is a listener for events from a Mule service which then simply passes the events on to the target service.

Uses of MessageSource in org.mule.transport.xmpp

Classes in org.mule.transport.xmpp that implement MessageSource
 class XmppMessageReceiver
          XmppMessageReceiver is responsible for receiving Mule events over XMPP.
 class XmppPollingMessageReceiver

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