Class StaticComponent

  extended by org.mule.component.simple.StaticComponent
All Implemented Interfaces:
Callable, EventListener, Initialisable

public class StaticComponent
extends Object
implements Callable, Initialisable

A service that will return a static data object as a result. This is useful for testing with expected results. The data returned can be read from a file or set as a property on this service.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.mule.api.lifecycle.Initialisable
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Object getData()
 String getDataFile()
 String getPostfix()
 String getPrefix()
 void initialise()
          Method used to perform any initialisation work.
 Object onCall(MuleEventContext eventContext)
          Passes the event to the listener
 void setData(Object data)
 void setDataFile(String dataFile)
 void setPostfix(String postfix)
 void setPrefix(String prefix)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StaticComponent()
Method Detail


public void initialise()
                throws InitialisationException
Description copied from interface: Initialisable
Method used to perform any initialisation work. If a fatal error occurs during initialisation an InitialisationException should be thrown, causing the Mule instance to shutdown. If the error is recoverable, say by retrying to connect, a RecoverableException should be thrown. There is no guarantee that by throwing a Recoverable exception that the Mule instance will not shut down.

Specified by:
initialise in interface Initialisable
InitialisationException - if a fatal error occurs causing the Mule instance to shutdown
RecoverableException - if an error occurs that can be recovered from


public Object getData()


public void setData(Object data)


public String getDataFile()


public void setDataFile(String dataFile)


public String getPrefix()


public void setPrefix(String prefix)


public String getPostfix()


public void setPostfix(String postfix)


public Object onCall(MuleEventContext eventContext)
              throws Exception
Description copied from interface: Callable
Passes the event to the listener

Specified by:
onCall in interface Callable
eventContext - the context of the current event being process
Object this object can be anything. When the LifecycleAdapter for the service receives this object it will first see if the Object is an MuleMessage if not and the Object is not null a new message will be created using the returned object as the payload. This new event will then get published via the configured outbound router if-
  1. One has been configured for the component.
  2. the setStopFurtherProcessing(true) wasn't called on the event context event.
Exception - if the event fails to process properly. If exceptions aren't handled by the implementation they will be handled by the exceptionListener associated with the service

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