Interface DeploymentListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDeploymentListener, CompositeDeploymentListener, DeploymentStatusTracker, NullDeploymentListener

public interface DeploymentListener

Defines a listener for deployment events for Mule applications.

Method Summary
 void onDeploymentFailure(String appName, Throwable cause)
          Notifies that a deploy for a given application has finished with a failure.
 void onDeploymentStart(String appName)
          Notifies that a deploy for a given application has started.
 void onDeploymentSuccess(String appName)
          Notifies that a deploy for a given application has successfully finished.
 void onMuleContextConfigured(String appName, MuleContext context)
          Notifies the configuration of the MuleContext for a given app.
 void onMuleContextCreated(String appName, MuleContext context)
          Notifies the creation of the MuleContext for a given app.
 void onMuleContextInitialised(String appName, MuleContext context)
          Notifies the initialization of the MuleContext for a given app.
 void onUndeploymentFailure(String appName, Throwable cause)
          Notifies that an un-deployment for a given application has finished with a failure.
 void onUndeploymentStart(String appName)
          Notifies that an un-deployment for a given application has started.
 void onUndeploymentSuccess(String appName)
          Notifies that an un-deployment for a given application has successfully finished.

Method Detail


void onDeploymentStart(String appName)
Notifies that a deploy for a given application has started.

appName - the name of the application being deployed


void onDeploymentSuccess(String appName)
Notifies that a deploy for a given application has successfully finished.

appName - the name of the application being deployed


void onDeploymentFailure(String appName,
                         Throwable cause)
Notifies that a deploy for a given application has finished with a failure.

appName - the name of the application being deployed
cause - the cause of the failure


void onUndeploymentStart(String appName)
Notifies that an un-deployment for a given application has started.

appName - the name of the application being un-deployed


void onUndeploymentSuccess(String appName)
Notifies that an un-deployment for a given application has successfully finished.

appName - the name of the application being un-deployed


void onUndeploymentFailure(String appName,
                           Throwable cause)
Notifies that an un-deployment for a given application has finished with a failure.

appName - the name of the application being un-deployed
cause - the cause of the failure


void onMuleContextCreated(String appName,
                          MuleContext context)
Notifies the creation of the MuleContext for a given app.

appName - name of the application that owns the mule context
context - mule context for the application being deployed


void onMuleContextInitialised(String appName,
                              MuleContext context)
Notifies the initialization of the MuleContext for a given app.

appName - name of the application that owns the mule context
context - mule context for the application being deployed


void onMuleContextConfigured(String appName,
                             MuleContext context)
Notifies the configuration of the MuleContext for a given app.

appName - name of the application that owns the mule context
context - mule context for the application being deployed

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