Class MuleEventMulticaster

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
MuleContextAware, Callable, EventListener, Initialisable, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationEventMulticaster

public class MuleEventMulticaster
extends Object
implements org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationEventMulticaster, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, MuleContextAware, Callable, Initialisable

MuleEventMulticaster is an implementation of a Spring ApplicationEventMulticaster. This implementation allows Mule event to be sent and received through the Spring ApplicationContext. This allows any Spring bean to receive and send events from any transport that Mule supports such as Jms, Http, Tcp, Pop3, Smtp, File, etc. All a bean needs to do to receive and send events is to implement MuleEventListener. Beans can also have subscriptions to certain events by implementing MuleSubscriptionEventListener, where the bean can provide a list of endpoints on which to receive events i.e. <bean id="myListener" class=""> <property name="subscriptions"> <list> <value>jms://</value> <value>pop3://</value> </list> </property> </bean>

Endpoints are specified as a Mule Url which is used to register a listener for the subscription In the previous version of the MuleEventMulticaster it was possible to specify wildcard endpoints. This is still possible but you need to tell the multicaster which specific endpoints to listen on and then your subscription listeners can use wildcards. To register the specific endpoints on the MuleEvent Multicaster you use the subscriptions property.

<bean id="applicationEventMulticaster" class=""> <property name="subscriptions"> <list> <value>jms://orders.queue</value> <value>jms://another.orders.queue</value> </list> </property> </bean>

<bean id="myListener" class=""> <property name="subscriptions"> <list> <value>jms://*.orders.*.</value> </list> </property> </bean>

See Also:
MuleEventListener, MuleSubscriptionEventListener, ApplicationEventMulticaster

Field Summary
protected  org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext
          The Spring application context
protected  boolean asynchronous
          Determines whether events will be processed asynchronously
protected  ExecutorService asyncPool
          An ExecutorService for handling asynchronous events
protected  ExceptionListener exceptionListener
          Used to store parsed endpoints
protected  Set listeners
          The set of listeners for this Multicaster
protected static Log logger
          logger used by this class
protected  MuleContext muleContext
protected  Service service
          The mule instance component for the Multicaster
protected  Class subscriptionFilter
          The filter used to match subscriptions
protected  String[] subscriptions
          A list of endpoints the eventMulticaster will receive events on Note that if this eventMulticaster has a Mule Descriptor associated with it, these endpoints are ignored and the ones on the Mule Descriptor are used.
Fields inherited from interface org.mule.api.lifecycle.Initialisable
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addApplicationListener(org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener listener)
          Adds a listener to the the Multicaster.
 void addApplicationListenerBean(String s)
protected  ObjectFilter createFilter(String pattern)
protected  void dispatchEvent(MuleApplicationEvent applicationEvent)
          Will dispatch an application event through Mule
protected  Service getDefaultService()
 Class getSubscriptionFilter()
          the type of filter used to filter subscriptions
 String[] getSubscriptions()
          A list of endpoints the eventMulticaster will receive events on Note that if this eventMulticaster has a Mule Descriptor associated with it, these endpoints are ignored and the ones on the Mule Descriptor are used.
 void initialise()
          Method used to perform any initialisation work.
 boolean isAsynchronous()
          Determines whether events will be processed asynchronously
 void multicastEvent(org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent e)
          Method is used to dispatch events to listeners registered with the EventManager or dispatches events to Mule depending on the type and state of the event received.
 Object onCall(MuleEventContext context)
          This is the callback method used by Mule to give Mule events to this Multicaster
protected  void registerMulticasterComponent()
 void removeAllListeners()
          Removes all the listeners from the multicaster
 void removeApplicationListener(org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener listener)
          Removes a listener from the multicaster
 void removeApplicationListenerBean(String s)
 void setApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext)
          Set the current Spring application context
 void setAsynchronous(boolean asynchronous)
          Determines whether events will be processed asynchronously
protected  void setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener listener)
 void setMuleContext(MuleContext context)
 void setSubscriptionFilter(Class subscriptionFilter)
          sets the type of filter used to filter subscriptions
 void setSubscriptions(String[] subscriptions)
          A list of endpoints the eventMulticaster will receive events on Note that if this eventMulticaster has a Mule Descriptor associated with it, these endpoints are ignored and the ones on the Mule Descriptor are used.
protected  void setSubscriptionsOnService(Service service)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final Log logger
logger used by this class


protected final Set listeners
The set of listeners for this Multicaster


protected boolean asynchronous
Determines whether events will be processed asynchronously


protected ExecutorService asyncPool
An ExecutorService for handling asynchronous events


protected String[] subscriptions
A list of endpoints the eventMulticaster will receive events on Note that if this eventMulticaster has a Mule Descriptor associated with it, these endpoints are ignored and the ones on the Mule Descriptor are used. These are here for convenience, the event multicaster will use these to create a default MuleDescriptor for itself at runtime


protected org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext
The Spring application context


protected Service service
The mule instance component for the Multicaster


protected Class subscriptionFilter
The filter used to match subscriptions


protected ExceptionListener exceptionListener
Used to store parsed endpoints


protected MuleContext muleContext
Constructor Detail


public MuleEventMulticaster()
Method Detail


public void setMuleContext(MuleContext context)
Specified by:
setMuleContext in interface MuleContextAware


public void initialise()
                throws InitialisationException
Description copied from interface: Initialisable
Method used to perform any initialisation work. If a fatal error occurs during initialisation an InitialisationException should be thrown, causing the Mule instance to shutdown. If the error is recoverable, say by retrying to connect, a RecoverableException should be thrown. There is no guarantee that by throwing a Recoverable exception that the Mule instance will not shut down.

Specified by:
initialise in interface Initialisable
InitialisationException - if a fatal error occurs causing the Mule instance to shutdown
RecoverableException - if an error occurs that can be recovered from


public void addApplicationListener(org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener listener)
Adds a listener to the the Multicaster. If asynchronous is set to true, an AsynchronousMessageListener is used to wrap the listener. This listener will be initialised with a threadpool. The configuration for the threadpool can be set on this multicaster or inherited from the MuleManager configuration, which is good for most cases.

Specified by:
addApplicationListener in interface org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationEventMulticaster
listener - the ApplicationListener to register with this Multicaster
See Also:
AsynchronousEventListener, ThreadingProfile


public void removeApplicationListener(org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener listener)
Removes a listener from the multicaster

Specified by:
removeApplicationListener in interface org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationEventMulticaster
listener - the listener to remove


public void addApplicationListenerBean(String s)
Specified by:
addApplicationListenerBean in interface org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationEventMulticaster


public void removeApplicationListenerBean(String s)
Specified by:
removeApplicationListenerBean in interface org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationEventMulticaster


public void removeAllListeners()
Removes all the listeners from the multicaster

Specified by:
removeAllListeners in interface org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationEventMulticaster


public void multicastEvent(org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent e)
Method is used to dispatch events to listeners registered with the EventManager or dispatches events to Mule depending on the type and state of the event received. If the event is not a Mule event it will be dispatched to any listeners registered that are NOT MuleEventListeners. If the event is a Mule event and there is no source event attached to it, it is assumed that the event was dispatched by an object in the context using context.publishEvent() and will be dispatched by Mule. If the event does have a source event attached to it, it is assumed that the event was dispatched by Mule and will be delivered to any listeners subscribed to the event.

Specified by:
multicastEvent in interface org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationEventMulticaster
e - the application event received by the context


public boolean isAsynchronous()
Determines whether events will be processed asynchronously

tru if asynchronous. The default is false


public void setAsynchronous(boolean asynchronous)
Determines whether events will be processed asynchronously

asynchronous - true if asynchronous


public Object onCall(MuleEventContext context)
              throws TransformerException,
This is the callback method used by Mule to give Mule events to this Multicaster

Specified by:
onCall in interface Callable
context - the context received by Mule
Object this object can be anything. When the LifecycleAdapter for the service receives this object it will first see if the Object is an MuleMessage if not and the Object is not null a new message will be created using the returned object as the payload. This new event will then get published via the configured outbound router if-
  1. One has been configured for the component.
  2. the setStopFurtherProcessing(true) wasn't called on the event context event.


protected void dispatchEvent(MuleApplicationEvent applicationEvent)
                      throws ApplicationEventException
Will dispatch an application event through Mule

applicationEvent - the Spring event to be dispatched
ApplicationEventException - if the event cannot be dispatched i.e. if the underlying transport throws an exception


public void setApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext)
                           throws org.springframework.beans.BeansException
Set the current Spring application context

Specified by:
setApplicationContext in interface org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware
applicationContext - application context


protected void registerMulticasterComponent()
                                     throws MuleException


protected void setSubscriptionsOnService(Service service)
                                  throws MuleException


protected Service getDefaultService()
                             throws MuleException


protected ObjectFilter createFilter(String pattern)


public Class getSubscriptionFilter()
the type of filter used to filter subscriptions

the class of the filter to use. The default is WildcardFilter
See Also:


public void setSubscriptionFilter(Class subscriptionFilter)
sets the type of filter used to filter subscriptions

subscriptionFilter - the class of the filter to use.


public String[] getSubscriptions()
A list of endpoints the eventMulticaster will receive events on Note that if this eventMulticaster has a Mule Descriptor associated with it, these endpoints are ignored and the ones on the Mule Descriptor are used. These are here for convenience, the event multicaster will use these to create a default MuleDescriptor for itself at runtime

endpoints List being listened on


public void setSubscriptions(String[] subscriptions)
A list of endpoints the eventMulticaster will receive events on Note that if this eventMulticaster has a Mule Descriptor associated with it, these endpoints are ignored and the ones on the Mule Descriptor are used. These are here for convenience, the event multicaster will use these to create a default MuleDescriptor for itself at runtime

subscriptions - a list of endpoints to listen on


protected void setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener listener)

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