Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractMuleObjectOwner
org.mule.routing Defines the core routing patterns supported by mule. 
org.mule.routing.outbound Outbound router implementation as described in the Enterprise Integration Patterns book. 
org.mule.tck.functional Helper classes and interfaces used by Mule fnctional tests. 

Uses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.config.dsl.routers

Subclasses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.config.dsl.routers
 class ContentBasedRouter

Uses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.enricher

Subclasses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.enricher
 class MessageEnricher
          The Message Enricher allows the current message to be augmented using data from a seperate resource.

Uses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.exception

Subclasses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.exception
 class AbstractExceptionListener
          This is the base class for exception strategies which contains several helper methods.
 class AbstractExceptionStrategy
          Deprecated. use AbstractExceptionListener
 class AbstractMessagingExceptionStrategy
          Fire a notification, log exception, increment statistics, route the problematic message to a destination if one is configured (DLQ pattern), commit or rollback transaction if one exists, close any open streams.
 class AbstractSystemExceptionStrategy
          Fire a notification, log exception, clean up transaction if any, and trigger reconnection strategy if this is a ConnectException.
 class CatchMessagingExceptionStrategy
 class ChoiceMessagingExceptionStrategy
          Selects which exception strategy to execute based on filtering.
 class DefaultMessagingExceptionStrategy
          This is the default exception handler for flows and services.
 class DefaultServiceExceptionStrategy
          Deprecated. use DefaultMessagingExceptionStrategy instead
 class DefaultSystemExceptionStrategy
          This is the default exception handler for any exception which does not inherit from MessagingException, i.e, when no message is in play.
 class MessagingExceptionStrategyAcceptorDelegate
          Allows to use MessagingExceptionHandler as MessagingExceptionHandlerAcceptor.
 class RollbackMessagingExceptionStrategy
 class TemplateMessagingExceptionStrategy

Uses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.module.cxf

Subclasses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.module.cxf
 class CxfComponentExceptionStrategy
          Deprecated. Currently the result is the same if no exception strategy is defined within the flow. The only difference is that when you set the CxfComponentExceptionStrategy the exception is unwrapped inside of the exception block, but the exceptionPayload doesn't change.

Uses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.module.sxc

Subclasses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.module.sxc
 class SxcFilteringOutboundRouter
          FilteringRouter is a router that accepts events based on a filter set.

Uses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.processor

Subclasses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.processor
 class AbstractMessageProcessorOwner
          An object that owns message processors and delegates startup/shutdown events to them.
 class AsyncDelegateMessageProcessor
          Processes MuleEvent's asynchronously using a MuleWorkManager to schedule asynchronous processing of MessageProcessor delegate configured the next MessageProcessor.

Uses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.routing

Subclasses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.routing
 class FirstSuccessful
          FirstSuccessful routes an event to the first target route that can accept it without throwing or returning an exception.
 class Foreach
          ` * The Foreach MessageProcessor allows iterating over a collection payload, or any collection obtained by an expression, generating a message for each element.
 class RoundRobin
          RoundRobin divides the messages it receives among its target routes in round-robin fashion.
 class UntilSuccessful
          UntilSuccessful attempts to route a message to the message processor it contains in an asynchronous manner.
 class WireTap
          The WireTap MessageProcessor allows inspection of messages in a flow.

Uses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.routing.outbound

Subclasses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.routing.outbound
 class AbstractMessageSplitter
          AbstractMessageSplitter is an outbound Message Splitter used to split the contents of a received message into sub parts that can be processed by other components.
 class AbstractOutboundRouter
          AbstractOutboundRouter is a base router class that tracks statistics about message processing through the router.
 class AbstractRecipientList
          AbstractRecipientList is used to dispatch a single event to multiple recipients over the same transport.
 class AbstractRoundRobinMessageSplitter
          FilteringListMessageSplitter accepts a List as a message payload then routes list elements as messages over an endpoint where the endpoint's filter accepts the payload.
 class AbstractSequenceRouter
          Defines a router that sequentially routes a given message to the list of registered endpoints and returns the aggregate responses as the result.
 class ChainingRouter
          ChainingRouter is used to pass a Mule event through multiple targets using the result of the first as the input for the second.
 class EndpointSelector
          EndpointSelector selects the outgoing endpoint based on a an expression evaluator ("header:endpoint" by default).
 class ExceptionBasedRouter
          ExceptionBasedRouter Will send the current event to the first endpoint that doesn't throw an exception.
 class ExpressionMessageSplitter
          Evaluates a single expression and adds the results of the expression as individual message parts.
 class ExpressionRecipientList
 class FilteringOutboundRouter
          FilteringRouter is a router that accepts events based on a filter set.
 class ListMessageSplitter
          FilteringListMessageSplitter accepts a List as a message payload then routes list elements as messages over an endpoint where the endpoint's filter accepts the payload.
 class MessageChunkingRouter
          A router that breaks up the current message onto smaller parts and sends them to the same destination.
 class MulticastingRouter
          MulticastingRouter will broadcast the current message to every endpoint registered with the router.
 class OutboundPassThroughRouter
          OutboundPassThroughRouter allows outbound routing over a single endpoint without any filtering.
 class SequenceRouter
          Defines a AbstractSequenceRouter that stops the routing of a given message when a synchronous endpoint has returned a null or an exception message.
 class StaticRecipientList
          StaticRecipientList is used to dispatch a single event to multiple recipients over the same transport.
 class TransformerRouter

Uses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.tck.functional

Subclasses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.tck.functional
 class QuietExceptionStrategy
          Restrict exceptions to debug log messages

Uses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.transport.http.components

Subclasses of AbstractMuleObjectOwner in org.mule.transport.http.components
 class HttpResponseBuilder

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