Package org.mule.config.i18n

Internationalisation support for Mule messages and exception messages.


Class Summary
AnnotationsMessages Internationalized messages specific to the annotations module
LocaleMessageHandler The LocaleMessageHandler is essentially a merging of the Message and Messages classes, since there is no good reason to have them separate.

Package org.mule.config.i18n Description

Internationalisation support for Mule messages and exception messages.

The Message class is a wrapper for an error message, its error code and other information. The messages are read from ResourceBundles usually from classpath.

The class MessageFactory encapsulates the lookup of ResourceBundles and creation of messages. Since each mule module should provide its own messages, subclasses of MessageFactory should be created. It is convention to put the module specific class in a subpackage called i18n.

Subclassing MessageFactory

For a mule module foo with base package a MessageFactory subclass would typcially look like this:

public class FooMessages extends MessageFactory
    private static final String BUNDLE_PATH = getBundlePath("foo");
    public static final Message foo()
        return createMessage(BUNDLE_PATH, 1);
    public static final Message bar(String arg)
        return createMessage(BUNDLE_PATH, 2, arg);
Note that the only publicly available methods are those from FooMessages. This approach has various advantages:

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