Package org.mule.expression

Class Summary
DefaultExpressionManager Provides universal access for evaluating expressions embedded in Mule configurations, such as Xml, Java, scripting and annotations.
EndpointInfoExpressionEvaluator Looks up information about a global endpoint
ExpressionConfig A simple configuration object for holding the common Expression evaluator configuration.
ExpressionConstants Constnts for Headers and Attachment processing shared by a number of the Expression evaluators
ExpressionUtils Used by the different header expression evaluators to read message properties, honuouring scope and return type
FunctionExpressionEvaluator This property extractor doesn't actually extract a property from the message, instead it allows for certain functions to be called and returns a result.
IllegalExpressionEvaluator Defines an ExpressionEvaluator that can never be evaluated.
InboundAttachmentsMap Creates a wrapper around Mule Message with a MAp facade used for allowing developers to add attachments to an outgoing message in a transformer of component without needing to access the Mule API directly
MapPayloadExpressionEvaluator If the message payload is a map this extractor will look up the property value in the map
MessageAttachmentExpressionEvaluator Looks up an attachment with the given name.
MessageAttachmentsExpressionEvaluator Looks up the attachment(s) on the message using the expression given.
MessageAttachmentsListExpressionEvaluator Looks up the attachment(s) on the message using the expression given.
MessageExpressionEvaluator Returns properties on the MuleMessage itself.
MessageHeaderExpressionEvaluator Looks up the property on the message using the property name given.
MessageHeadersExpressionEvaluator Looks up the property on the message using the expression given.
MessageHeadersListExpressionEvaluator Looks up the property on the message using the expression given.
MessagePayloadExpressionEvaluator Returns the message payload.
MessageProcessorExpressionEvaluator Returns the message result of invoking the specified globally accessible message processor.
MuleContextExpressionEvaluator This property extractor exposes mule context information as expressions.
MuleExpressionEvaluator Deprecated. MuleExpressionEvaluator is a wrapper of the default expression evaluators which ends up redirecting to the DefaultExpressionManager evaluate method.
OutboundAttachmentsExpressionEvaluator Creates a Map facade around a MuleMessage instance to allow access to outbound attachments from within components and transformers without the these objects needing access to the Mule Message
OutboundAttachmentsMap Creates a wrapper around Mule Message with a MAp facade used for allowing developers to add attachments to an outgoing message in a transformer of component without needing to access the Mule API directly
OutboundHeadersExpressionEvaluator Creates a Map facade around a MuleMessage instance to allow access to outbound headers from within components and transformers without the these objects needing access to the Mule Message
RegistryExpressionEvaluator Looks up information about objects in the Registry
StringExpressionEvaluator Will process an expression string that can contain other expressions
VariableExpressionEvaluator Looks up the variable on the message using the name given.

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