Package org.mule.transport.soap.axis

Provides an Axis soap transport for Mule.


Interface Summary
AxisInitialisable AxisInitialisable can be implemented by a Mule component that will be used as an Axis service to customise the Axis Service object

Class Summary
AxisConnector AxisConnector is used to maintain one or more Services for Axis server instance.
AxisFaultExceptionReader Will format and display additional information stored with an Axis fault that is usually hidden when logged.
AxisInitialisationCallback AxisInitialisationCallback is invoked when an Axis component is created from its descriptor.
AxisMessageDispatcher AxisMessageDispatcher is used to make soap requests via the Axis soap client.
AxisMessageDispatcherFactory AxisMessageDispatcherFactory creates an AxisMessageDispatcher, used for making SOAP calls using the Axis stack.
AxisMessageReceiver AxisMessageReceiver is used to register a component as a service with a Axis server.
AxisMessageRequester AxisMessageDispatcher is used to make soap requests via the Axis soap client.
AxisMessageRequesterFactory AxisMessageRequesterFactory creates an AxisMessageRequester, used for making SOAP calls using the Axis stack.
AxisServiceComponent AxisServiceComponent is a Mule component implementation of the Axis servlet.
AxisServiceProxy ServiceProxy is a proxy that wraps a soap endpointUri to look like a Web service.
AxisStringWriter AxisStringWriter wraps a and allows meta information to be associated with it.
NamedParameter Representation of a Named parameter in a SOAP call
SoapMethod A SOAP method representation where the parameters are named
SoapServiceFinder SoapServiceFinder finds a the connector service to use by checking the classpath for jars required for each of the soap connector implementations
WsdlServiceFinder WsdlServiceFinder finds a the connector service to use by checking the classpath for jars required for each of the soap connector implementations
WsdlUrlEndpointURIBuilder The same as the UrlEndpointbuilder except that all parameters except the first are set as properties on the endpoint and stripped from the endpoint Uri

Package org.mule.transport.soap.axis Description

Provides an Axis soap transport for Mule. Managed objects can automatically be exposed as services just by subscribing to this provider. There is no need for service wsdd or even a servlet container.

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