Uses of Interface

Packages that use ObjectProcessor

Uses of ObjectProcessor in org.mule.api.registry

Subinterfaces of ObjectProcessor in org.mule.api.registry
 interface InjectProcessor
          An object processor that will get called during the inject phase
 interface PreInitProcessor
          Fired after the inject phase but before the initialise lifecycle phase

Uses of ObjectProcessor in org.mule.config.endpoint

Methods in org.mule.config.endpoint with parameters of type ObjectProcessor
protected  void RegistryBackedAnnotationsParserFactory.registerObjectProcessor(ObjectProcessor processor)

Uses of ObjectProcessor in org.mule.config.processors

Classes in org.mule.config.processors that implement ObjectProcessor
 class DecoratingAnnotatedServiceProcessor
          This object processor allows users to register annotated services directly to the registry and have them configured correctly.
 class LookupInjectionProcessor

Uses of ObjectProcessor in org.mule.config.transformer

Classes in org.mule.config.transformer that implement ObjectProcessor
 class AnnotatedTransformerObjectProcessor
          Will check all method level annotations to see if there are any Transformer annotations present.

Uses of ObjectProcessor in org.mule.module.ibeans.config

Classes in org.mule.module.ibeans.config that implement ObjectProcessor
 class IntegrationBeanAnnotatedObjectProcessor
 class MockIntegrationBeansAnnotationProcessor
          Will process any fields on an object with the MockIntegrationBean annotation, inserting a Mockito Mock object.

Uses of ObjectProcessor in org.mule.registry

Classes in org.mule.registry that implement ObjectProcessor
 class ExpressionEnricherProcessor
          Registers ExpressionEvaluators with the DefaultExpressionManager so that they will be resolved at run-time.
 class ExpressionEvaluatorProcessor
          Registers ExpressionEvaluators with the DefaultExpressionManager so that they will be resolved at run-time.
 class JSR250ValidatorProcessor
          This registry processor will check for objects that have JSR-250 lifecycle annotations defined and validates that the following conditions are met (according to the JSR-250 spec) The method MUST NOT have any parameters except in the case of EJB interceptors in which case it takes an InvocationContext object as defined by the EJB specification.
 class LifecycleStateInjectorProcessor
          Injects the MuleContext object for objects stored in the TransientRegistry where the object registered implements MuleContextAware.
 class MuleContextProcessor
          Injects the MuleContext object for objects stored in the TransientRegistry where the object registered implements MuleContextAware.
 class NotificationListenerProcessor
          Will register any ServerNotificationListener instances with the MuleContext to receive notifications

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