Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceException
org.mule.api.model Contains the interfaces for the Model and supporting objects such as the CompoenntResolver, EntryPointResolver, etc. 
org.mule.transport.service Provides SPI support for building mule connectors and providers using service descriptors. 
org.mule.transport.soap.axis Provides an Axis soap transport for Mule

Uses of ServiceException in org.mule.api.model

Methods in org.mule.api.model that throw ServiceException
 Model ModelServiceDescriptor.createModel()
 Class<Model> ModelServiceDescriptor.getModelClass()

Uses of ServiceException in org.mule.api.registry

Methods in org.mule.api.registry that throw ServiceException
static ServiceDescriptor ServiceDescriptorFactory.create(ServiceType type, String name, Properties props, Properties overrides, MuleContext muleContext, ClassLoader classLoader)
          Factory method to create a new service descriptor.
 String ServiceFinder.findService(String service, ServiceDescriptor descriptor, Properties props)
 ServiceDescriptor MuleRegistry.lookupServiceDescriptor(ServiceType type, String name, Properties overrides)

Uses of ServiceException in org.mule.model

Methods in org.mule.model that throw ServiceException
 Model DefaultModelServiceDescriptor.createModel()
 Class<Model> DefaultModelServiceDescriptor.getModelClass()

Uses of ServiceException in org.mule.registry

Methods in org.mule.registry that throw ServiceException
protected  ServiceDescriptor MuleRegistryHelper.createServiceDescriptor(ServiceType type, String name, Properties overrides)
 ServiceDescriptor MuleRegistryHelper.lookupServiceDescriptor(ServiceType type, String name, Properties overrides)
          Looks up the service descriptor from a singleton cache and creates a new one if not found.

Uses of ServiceException in org.mule.transport.service

Constructors in org.mule.transport.service that throw ServiceException
MetaTransportServiceDescriptor(String metaScheme, String scheme, Properties props, ClassLoader classLoader)

Uses of ServiceException in org.mule.transport.soap.axis

Methods in org.mule.transport.soap.axis that throw ServiceException
 String SoapServiceFinder.findService(String service, ServiceDescriptor descriptor, Properties props)
          Deprecated. We can use a more intelligent strategy for locating the service using the OSGi registry.

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