Package org.mule.endpoint

Implemtation of Mule endpoint uris.


Class Summary
AbstractEndpoint ImmutableMuleEndpoint describes a Provider in the Mule Server.
AbstractEndpointBuilder Abstract endpoint builder used for externalizing the complex creation logic of endpoints out of the endpoint instance itself.
AbstractEndpointURIBuilder UrlEndpointURIBuilder is the default endpointUri strategy suitable for most connectors
DynamicURIInboundEndpoint Allow's EndpointURI to be set and changed dynamically by wrapping up an immutable endpoint instance.
DynamicURIOutboundEndpoint Allow's EndpointURI to be set and changed dynamically by wrapping up an immutable endpoint instance.
MuleEndpointURI MuleEndpointURI is used to determine how a message is sent of received.
ResourceNameEndpointURIBuilder ResourceNameEndpointBuilder extracts a resource name from a uri endpointUri
SocketEndpointURIBuilder SocketEndpointBuilder builds an endpointUri based on host and port only
URIBuilder This has the following logic: - if an address is specified, it is used verbatim (except for parameters); this is consistent with the generic case - otherwise, we construct from components, omitting things that aren't specified as much as possible (use required attributes to guarantee entries) In addition, parameters are handled as follows: - parameters can be given in the uri, the queryMap, or both - queryMap values override uri values - the order of parameters in the uri remains the same (even if values change) - queryMap parameters are appended after uri parameters (I don't think ordering should matter, but XFire seems to require it) TODO - check that we have sufficient control via XML (what about empty strings?) Not called EndpointURIBuilder because of EndpointURIBuilder
UrlEndpointURIBuilder UrlEndpointBuilder is the default endpointUri strategy suitable for most connectors
UserInfoEndpointURIBuilder UserInfoEndpointBuilder builds an endpoint with the userinfo and host details.

Package org.mule.endpoint Description

Implemtation of Mule endpoint uris. These are constructed using builders that are pluggable for each provider.

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