element <property> (global)
complex, 3 attributes, 12 elements, elem. wildcard
at 35 locations
Content Model Diagram
XML Representation Summary
description?, (meta | bean | ref | idref | value | null | array | list | set | map | props | {any})?
Content model elements (12):
array, bean, description, idref, list, map, meta, null, props, ref, set, value
Included in content model of elements (82):
abstract-databinding, activemq-connector, activemq-xa-connector, aegis-databinding, bean, bean, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, connector, custom-agent, custom-aggregator, custom-async-reply-router, custom-catch-all-strategy, custom-connector, custom-connector, custom-correlation-aggregator-router, custom-databinding, custom-encryption-strategy, custom-entry-point-resolver, custom-entry-point-resolver-set, custom-exception-strategy, custom-filter, custom-forwarding-catch-all-strategy, custom-inbound-router, custom-interceptor, custom-jndi-name-resolver, custom-lifecycle-adapter-factory, custom-message-info-mapping, custom-object-store, custom-outbound-router, custom-processing-strategy, custom-processor, custom-queue-store, custom-router, custom-security-filter, custom-security-provider, custom-service, custom-source, custom-splitter, custom-transaction-manager, custom-transformer, gmail-connector, jaxb-databinding, jibx-databinding, mulemq-connector, mulemq-xa-connector, polling-connector, polling-connector, polling-connector, reconnect-custom-notifier, reconnect-custom-strategy, servlet-connector, source-databinding, stax-databinding, weblogic-connector, websphere-connector
Known Usage Locations
Bean definitions can have zero or more properties. Property elements correspond to JavaBean setter methods exposed by the bean classes. Spring supports primitives, references to other beans in the same or related factories, lists, maps and properties.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xsd:element name="property" type="propertyType"/>

XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML RE 1.8.5 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.5.0 template set. All content model diagrams generated by Altova XMLSpy via DocFlex/XML XMLSpy Integration.