Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExpressionEvaluator
org.mule.module.json JSON encoding support for Mule. 

Uses of ExpressionEvaluator in org.mule.api.expression

Methods in org.mule.api.expression that return ExpressionEvaluator
 ExpressionEvaluator ExpressionManager.unregisterEvaluator(String name)
          Removes the evaluator with the given name

Methods in org.mule.api.expression with parameters of type ExpressionEvaluator
 void ExpressionManager.registerEvaluator(ExpressionEvaluator evaluator)

Uses of ExpressionEvaluator in org.mule.expression

Classes in org.mule.expression that implement ExpressionEvaluator
 class BaseAttachmentExpressionEvaluator
 class EndpointInfoExpressionEvaluator
          Looks up information about a global endpoint
 class ExceptionTypeExpressionEvaluator
 class FunctionExpressionEvaluator
          This property extractor doesn't actually extract a property from the message, instead it allows for certain functions to be called and returns a result.
 class IllegalExpressionEvaluator
          Defines an ExpressionEvaluator that can never be evaluated.
 class MapPayloadExpressionEvaluator
          If the message payload is a map this extractor will look up the property value in the map
 class MessageAttachmentExpressionEvaluator
          Looks up an attachment with the given name.
 class MessageAttachmentsExpressionEvaluator
          Looks up the attachment(s) on the message using the expression given.
 class MessageAttachmentsListExpressionEvaluator
          Looks up the attachment(s) on the message using the expression given.
 class MessageExpressionEvaluator
          Returns properties on the MuleMessage itself.
 class MessageHeaderExpressionEvaluator
          Looks up the property on the message using the property name given.
 class MessageHeadersExpressionEvaluator
          Looks up the property on the message using the expression given.
 class MessageHeadersListExpressionEvaluator
          Looks up the property on the message using the expression given.
 class MessagePayloadExpressionEvaluator
          Returns the message payload.
 class MessageProcessorExpressionEvaluator
          Returns the message result of invoking the specified globally accessible message processor.
 class MuleContextExpressionEvaluator
          This property extractor exposes mule context information as expressions.
 class MuleExpressionEvaluator
          Deprecated. MuleExpressionEvaluator is a wrapper of the default expression evaluators which ends up redirecting to the DefaultExpressionManager evaluate method. It has been deprecated since it only provides one more way to accomplish the same result. Instead use the default expression evaluators, for example: #[mule:message.headers(foo, bar)] - replaced by #[headers:foo,bar] #[mule:message.attachments-list(attach1, attach2*)] - replaced by #[attachments-list:attach1,attach2*] #[mule:context.serviceName] - replaced by #[context:serviceName] Check the Expressions configuration reference for more examples of the default expression evaluators syntax.
 class OutboundAttachmentsExpressionEvaluator
          Creates a Map facade around a MuleMessage instance to allow access to outbound attachments from within components and transformers without the these objects needing access to the Mule Message
 class OutboundHeadersExpressionEvaluator
          Creates a Map facade around a MuleMessage instance to allow access to outbound headers from within components and transformers without the these objects needing access to the Mule Message
 class PayloadTypeExpressionEvaluator
 class RegexExpressionEvaluator
 class RegistryExpressionEvaluator
          Looks up information about objects in the Registry
 class StringExpressionEvaluator
          Will process an expression string that can contain other expressions
 class VariableExpressionEvaluator
          Looks up the variable on the message using the name given.
 class WilcardExpressionEvaluator

Methods in org.mule.expression that return ExpressionEvaluator
 ExpressionEvaluator DefaultExpressionManager.unregisterEvaluator(String name)
          Removes the evaluator with the given name

Methods in org.mule.expression with parameters of type ExpressionEvaluator
 void DefaultExpressionManager.registerEvaluator(ExpressionEvaluator evaluator)

Uses of ExpressionEvaluator in org.mule.module.json

Classes in org.mule.module.json that implement ExpressionEvaluator
 class JsonExpressionEvaluator
          An expression evaluator to allow users to define json expressions in their mule configuration, i.e.
 class JsonNodeExpressionEvaluator
          An JSON expression evaluator that returns JsonNode's instead of strings.

Uses of ExpressionEvaluator in org.mule.module.ognl.expression

Classes in org.mule.module.ognl.expression that implement ExpressionEvaluator
 class OgnlExpressionEvaluator
          An expression evaluator that uses OGNL as the expression language

Uses of ExpressionEvaluator in org.mule.module.scripting.expression

Classes in org.mule.module.scripting.expression that implement ExpressionEvaluator
 class AbstractScriptExpressionEvaluator
          An abstract ExpressionEvaluator that can be used for any JSR-233 script engine.
 class GroovyExpressionEvaluator
          An ExpressionEvaluator that allows the user to define Groovy expressions to extract data from the current message.

Uses of ExpressionEvaluator in org.mule.module.xml.expression

Classes in org.mule.module.xml.expression that implement ExpressionEvaluator
 class AbstractXPathExpressionEvaluator
          Provides a base class for XPath property extractors.
 class BeanPayloadExpressionEvaluator
 class JaxpXPathExpressionEvaluator
          Uses JAXP XPath processing to evaluate xpath expressions against Xml fragments and documents

Note that the JAXP Expression evaluator differs from the Mule XPATH evaluator slightly since you can set the JAXP return type as a prefix to the expression i.e.

 class JXPathExpressionEvaluator
          Deprecated. Developers should use xpath, bean or groovy instead of this expression evaluator since there are some quirks with JXPath and the performance is not good.
 class XPathBranchExpressionEvaluator
 class XPathExpressionEvaluator
          Will select the text of a single node based on the property name
 class XPathNodeExpressionEvaluator
          Will select the text of a single node based on the property name

Uses of ExpressionEvaluator in org.mule.routing.correlation

Classes in org.mule.routing.correlation that implement ExpressionEvaluator
 class CorrelationPropertiesExpressionEvaluator
          CorrelationPropertiesExpressionEvaluator is a default implementation used for getting the Correlation information from a message.

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