
Provides pop3, smtp and imap connectivity for Mule.


Interface Summary
MailProperties Mail properties that are sent on the DefaultMuleMessage when receiving a Mail Message or which can be set on the endpoint or event to be added to outgoing mail

Class Summary
AbstractMailConnector Abstract superclass for mail connectors.
AbstractRetrieveMailConnector Support for connecting to and receiving email from a mailbox (the exact protocol depends on the subclass).
AbstractTlsRetrieveMailConnector Support for connecting to and receiving email from a secure mailbox (the exact protocol depends on the subclass).
DefaultDataContentHandlerFactory This is a default registry for mapping MimeTypes to DataHandlers
GmailSmtpConnector This class just sets some extra SMTP properties so it works with GMail.
ImapConnector Receives messages from an IMAP mailbox
ImapsConnector Creates a secure IMAP connection
ImapsSocketFactory A socket factor that reads "indirect" configuration (see TlsConfiguration) for IMAPS from System properties.
MailUtils Contains javax.mail helpers.
Pop3Connector Pop3Connector is used to connect and receive mail from a POP3 mailbox.
Pop3sConnector Creates a secure connection to a POP3 mailbox
Pop3sSocketFactory A socket factor that reads "indirect" configuration (see TlsConfiguration) for POP3S from System properties.
RetrieveMessageReceiver Poll a mailbox for messages, remove the messages and route them as events into Mule.
RetrieveMessageRequester This dispatcher can only be used to receive message (as opposed to listening for them).
RetrieveMessageRequesterFactory A source of mail receiving message dispatchers.
SmtpConnector SmtpConnector is used to connect to and send data to an SMTP mail server
SmtpMessageDispatcher SmtpMessageDispatcher will dispatch Mule events as Mime email messages over an SMTP gateway.
SmtpMessageDispatcherFactory SmtpMessageDispatcherFactory creates an instance of an SmtpMessage dispatcher used for sending email events via an SMTP gateway
SmtpsConnector Creates a secure SMTP connection
SmtpsSocketFactory A socket factor that reads "indirect" configuration (see TlsConfiguration) for SMTPS from System properties.

Package Description

Provides pop3, smtp and imap connectivity for Mule.

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