Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClassScanner

Uses of ClassScanner in org.mule.util.scan

Classes in org.mule.util.scan that implement ClassScanner
 class ImplementationClassScanner
          Will determine if the class provide extends and thus is assignable from the implementatation class provied.
 class InterfaceClassScanner
          Will determine if the class provide is assignable from the interface class provied.

Methods in org.mule.util.scan that return ClassScanner
protected  ClassScanner ClasspathScanner.getScanner(Class<?> clazz)
          Works out the correct scanner based on the class passed in

Note that these could be better architected by breaking out filters into strategy objects, but for now this suits my needs

protected  ClassScanner InterfaceClassScanner.scan(String name)

Uses of ClassScanner in org.mule.util.scan.annotations

Classes in org.mule.util.scan.annotations that implement ClassScanner
 class AnnotationsScanner
          Scans a single class and registers all annotations on the class in four collections; class annotations, field annotations method annotations and parameter annotations.

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