Class | Description |
AnnotatedTransformerObjectPostProcessor |
Will check all method level annotations to see if there are any
Transformer annotations present. |
ContextExclusiveInjectorProcessor |
Specialization of
SelectiveInjectorProcessor which only considers
beans which are defined on a given ApplicationContext . |
DecoratingFlowAnnotationsBeanProcessor |
DiscardedOptionalBeanPostProcessor |
InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor which suspends
initialization and population of discarded objects and removes them from the registry |
ExpressionEnricherPostProcessor | |
LifecycleStatePostProcessor |
BeanPostProcessor which sets a given LifecycleStatePostProcessor.state
into instances of LifecycleStateAware |
MuleObjectNameProcessor |
MuleObjectNameProcessor is used to set spring ids to Mule object
names so the the bean id and name property on the object don't both have to be
set. |
NoDevkitInjectorProcessor |
SelectiveInjectorProcessor used to keep
mule from injecting dependencies into components
built with Devkit, by skipping injection of objects
which are instances of org.mule.api.devkit.ProcessAdapter
or org.mule.modules.process.ProcessAdapter |
NotificationListenerPostProcessor |
BeanPostProcessor which registers ServerNotificationListener objects
into the ServerNotificationManager |
ParentContextPropertyPlaceholderProcessor | |
PostRegistrationActionsPostProcessor |
BeanPostProcessor which invokes MuleRegistryHelper.postObjectRegistrationActions(Object)
after spring finishes initialization over each object, only as long as the
PostRegistrationActionsPostProcessor.applicationContext is already running |
PropertyPlaceholderProcessor |
TransformerAnnotatedBeanProcessor |
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