Uses of Interface

Packages that use Pipeline

Uses of Pipeline in org.mule.construct

Classes in org.mule.construct that implement Pipeline
 class AbstractConfigurationPattern
          A template class for configuration patterns, which takes care of setting common message processors and optional transformers defined on the pattern.
 class AbstractPipeline
          Abstract implementation of AbstractFlowConstruct that allows a list of AbstractPipeline.ProcessIfPipelineStartedMessageProcessors that will be used to process messages to be configured.
 class Bridge
          A simple bridge between a single inbound endpoint and a single outbound endpoint.
 class Flow
          This implementation of AbstractPipeline adds the following functionality: Rejects inbound events when Flow is not started Gathers statistics and processing time data Implements MessagePorcessor allowing direct invocation of the pipeline Supports the optional configuration of a ProcessingStrategy that determines how message processors are processed.
 class SimpleService
          In-out SOA-style simple service, with no outbound router.
 class Validator

Uses of Pipeline in org.mule.module.ibeans.config

Classes in org.mule.module.ibeans.config that implement Pipeline
 class IBeanFlowConstruct
          This is an empty flow construct that is used to host an iBean as a component with one or more component bindings.

Uses of Pipeline in

Classes in that implement Pipeline
 class WSProxy
          This class is implemented to act as a Proxy for a Web Service.

Uses of Pipeline in org.mule.transport.http.construct

Classes in org.mule.transport.http.construct that implement Pipeline
 class HttpProxy
          A simple HTTP proxy that supports transformation and caching.

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