Uses of Interface

Packages that use ObjectFilter A Spring EventMulticaster that allows any Spring bean to send and receive mule events through the ApplicationContext and event listeners. 
org.mule.routing.filters Filters are often used by routers to determine if the event should be accepted by the router. 
org.mule.transport.file.filters Filename filters used to filter on a listening directory. 

Uses of ObjectFilter in

Methods in that return ObjectFilter
protected  ObjectFilter MuleEventMulticaster.createFilter(String pattern)

Uses of ObjectFilter in org.mule.routing.filters

Classes in org.mule.routing.filters that implement ObjectFilter
 class EqualsFilter
          EqualsFilter is a filter for comparing two objects using the equals() method.
 class RegExFilter
          RegExFilter is used to match a String argument against a regular pattern.
 class WildcardFilter
          WildcardFilter is used to match Strings against wildcards.

Uses of ObjectFilter in org.mule.transport.file.filters

Classes in org.mule.transport.file.filters that implement ObjectFilter
 class FilenameRegexFilter
          FilenameRegexFilter filters incoming files from a directory, based on a regular expression.
 class FilenameWildcardFilter
          FilenameWildcardFilter filters incoming files from a directory, based on file patterns.

Uses of ObjectFilter in org.mule.transport.http.filters

Classes in org.mule.transport.http.filters that implement ObjectFilter
 class HttpRequestWildcardFilter
          HttpRequestWildcardFilter filters out wildcard URL expressions.

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