Package org.mule.routing.filters

Filters are often used by routers to determine if the event should be accepted by the router.


Class Summary
AcceptAllFilter A filter that accepts everything.
ConsumableMuleMessageFilter Filters messages that have a consumable payload.
EqualsFilter EqualsFilter is a filter for comparing two objects using the equals() method.
ExceptionTypeFilter A filter that accepts messages that have an exception payload.
ExpressionFilter Allows boolean expressions to be executed on a message.
MessagePropertyFilter MessagePropertyFilter can be used to filter against properties on an event.
PayloadTypeFilter PayloadTypeFilter filters based on the type of the object received.
RegExFilter RegExFilter is used to match a String argument against a regular expression.
WildcardFilter WildcardFilter is used to match Strings against wildcards.

Package org.mule.routing.filters Description

Filters are often used by routers to determine if the event should be accepted by the router.

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