Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractSftpTestCase

Uses of AbstractSftpTestCase in org.mule.transport.sftp

Subclasses of AbstractSftpTestCase in org.mule.transport.sftp
 class SftpArchiveFunctionalTestCase
          Test the archive features.
 class SftpDuplicateHandlingFunctionalTestCase
          Test the archive features.
 class SftpEndpointTestCase
 class SftpExpressionFilenameParserTestCase
 class SftpFileAgeFunctionalTestCase
          SftpFileAgeFunctionalTestCase tests the fileAge functionality.
 class SftpFilterTestCase
          Simple test to verify that the filter configuration works.
 class SftpIdentityFileFunctionalTestCase
          LargeFileReceiveFunctionalTestCase tests receiving a large file message from an sftp service.
 class SftpNotificationFunctionalTestCase
          Test the notification features.
 class SftpPoolingFunctionalTestCase
          SftpPoolingFunctionalTestCase tests sending an receiving multiple small text files.
 class SftpQuartzRequesterFunctionalTestCase
          Test the sizeCheck feature.
 class SftpSendReceiveFunctionalTestCase
          SendReceiveFunctionalTestCase tests sending an receiving multiple small text files.
 class SftpSendReceiveLargeFileFunctionalTestCase
          Test sending and receiving a very large message.
 class SftpSizeCheckFunctionalTestCase
          Test the sizeCheck feature
 class SftpTempDirFunctionalTestCase

Uses of AbstractSftpTestCase in org.mule.transport.sftp.dataintegrity

Subclasses of AbstractSftpTestCase in org.mule.transport.sftp.dataintegrity
 class AbstractSftpDataIntegrityTestCase
 class SftpCantCreateTempDirectoryTestCase
          Tests that files are not deleted if the temp directory can't be created
 class SftpCantWriteToFinalDestAfterTempDirectoryTestCase
          Tests that files are not deleted if the final destination is not writable when using a temp directory.
 class SftpInvalidInboundEndpointTestCase
 class SftpNoOutboundDirectoryTestCase
          Verify that the original file is not lost if the outbound directory doesn't exist
 class SftpNoWriteAccessToOutboundDirectoryTestCase
          Verify that the original file is not lost if the outbound directory doesn't exist
 class SftpWrongPassPhraseOnOutboundDirectoryTestCase
          Verify that the original file is not lost if the password for the outbound endpoint is wrong

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