Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertyScope
org.mule The Mule implementation of the Universal Message Objects(tm) API specification. 
org.mule.api The Universal Message Object(tm) API provides a way for components to interact without needing to know about the protocol or delivery mechanisms of information passed between them 
org.mule.api.transport Contains the interfaces that comprise a provider implementation. 
org.mule.transformer.simple Basic transformer implementations. 

Uses of PropertyScope in org.mule

Fields in org.mule with type parameters of type PropertyScope
protected  Map<PropertyScope,Map<String,Object>> MessagePropertiesContext.scopedMap
          Map of maps containing the scoped properties, each scope has its own Map.

Methods in org.mule that return PropertyScope
 PropertyScope MessagePropertiesContext.getDefaultScope()

Methods in org.mule with parameters of type PropertyScope
 void DefaultMuleMessage.addProperties(Map<String,Object> props, PropertyScope scope)
          Adds a map of properties to be associated with this message
protected  void MessagePropertiesContext.checkScopeForWriteAccess(PropertyScope scope)
 void DefaultMuleMessage.clearProperties(PropertyScope scope)
          Removes all properties on this message in the given scope.
 void MessagePropertiesContext.clearProperties(PropertyScope scope)
<T> T
DefaultMuleMessage.findPropertyInSpecifiedScopes(String name, PropertyScope... scopesToSearch)
          Find property in one of the specified scopes, in order
<T> T
DefaultMuleMessage.getProperty(String name, PropertyScope scope)
          Gets a property from the message with a given scope.
<T> T
MessagePropertiesContext.getProperty(String key, PropertyScope scope)
<T> T
DefaultMuleMessage.getProperty(String name, PropertyScope scope, T defaultValue)
          Gets a property from the message with a given scope and provides a default value if the property is not present on the message in the scope specified.
 Set<String> DefaultMuleMessage.getPropertyNames(PropertyScope scope)
          Gets all property names in a given scope.
 Set<String> MessagePropertiesContext.getPropertyNames(PropertyScope scope)
protected  Map<String,Object> MessagePropertiesContext.getScopedProperties(PropertyScope scope)
 String MessagePropertiesContext.getStringProperty(String name, PropertyScope scope, String defaultValue)
 Object DefaultMuleMessage.removeProperty(String key, PropertyScope scope)
          Removes a property on this message from the specified scope only.
 Object MessagePropertiesContext.removeProperty(String key, PropertyScope scope)
          Removes a property from the specified property scope.
 void DefaultMuleMessage.setProperty(String key, Object value, PropertyScope scope)
          Set a property on the message.
 void MessagePropertiesContext.setProperty(String key, Object value, PropertyScope scope)
          Set a property on the message

Uses of PropertyScope in org.mule.api

Methods in org.mule.api with parameters of type PropertyScope
 void MuleMessage.addProperties(Map<String,Object> properties, PropertyScope scope)
          Adds a map of properties to be associated with this message
 void MuleMessage.clearProperties(PropertyScope scope)
          Removes all properties on this message in the given scope.
<T> T
MuleMessage.getProperty(String name, PropertyScope scope)
          Gets a property from the message with a given scope.
<T> T
MuleMessage.getProperty(String name, PropertyScope scope, T defaultValue)
          Gets a property from the message with a given scope and provides a default value if the property is not present on the message in the scope specified.
 Set<String> MuleMessage.getPropertyNames(PropertyScope scope)
          Gets all property names in a given scope.
 Object MuleMessage.removeProperty(String key, PropertyScope scope)
          Removes a property on this message from the specified scope only.
 void MuleMessage.setProperty(String key, Object value, PropertyScope scope)
          Set a property on the message.

Uses of PropertyScope in org.mule.api.transport

Fields in org.mule.api.transport declared as PropertyScope
static PropertyScope[] PropertyScope.ALL_SCOPES
          An array of all scopes defined here
static PropertyScope PropertyScope.APPLICATION
          This provides access to properties in the registry.
static PropertyScope PropertyScope.INBOUND
          This scope holds all inbound headers when a message is received.
static PropertyScope PropertyScope.INVOCATION
          This scope is defined from the point that a Message is created until a service has processed the message.
static PropertyScope PropertyScope.OUTBOUND
          This is the default scope when writing properties to a message.
static PropertyScope PropertyScope.SESSION
          Defines the scope for any properties set on the session.

Methods in org.mule.api.transport that return PropertyScope
static PropertyScope PropertyScope.get(String name)

Methods in org.mule.api.transport with parameters of type PropertyScope
 int o, PropertyScope o1)

Uses of PropertyScope in org.mule.el.context

Constructors in org.mule.el.context with parameters of type PropertyScope
MessagePropertyMapContext(MuleMessage message, PropertyScope propertyScope)

Uses of PropertyScope in org.mule.expression

Methods in org.mule.expression that return PropertyScope
protected static PropertyScope ExpressionUtils.getScope(String expression)

Methods in org.mule.expression with parameters of type PropertyScope
static Object ExpressionUtils.getProperty(String expression, PropertyScope scope, MuleMessage msg)
          Gets a property or map/list of properties specified by an expression supporting multiple return types as well as all and optional modifiers.
<T> T
ExpressionUtils.getProperty(String expression, PropertyScope scope, MuleMessage msg, Class<T> type)
          Gets a property or map/list of properties specific by an expression supporting multiple return types as well as all and optional modifiers
protected static
<T> T
ExpressionUtils.getPropertyInternal(String expression, PropertyScope scope, boolean parseScope, MuleMessage msg, Class<T> type)
          Obtains a property or map/list of properties from a message using an expression that specifies which property or properties to evaluate.

Uses of PropertyScope in org.mule.module.bpm

Methods in org.mule.module.bpm with parameters of type PropertyScope
protected  void Process.populateProcessVariables(MuleEvent event, Map processVariables, PropertyScope propertyScope)

Uses of PropertyScope in org.mule.transformer.simple

Methods in org.mule.transformer.simple that return PropertyScope
protected  PropertyScope AddSessionVariableTransformer.getScope()
protected abstract  PropertyScope AbstractAddVariablePropertyTransformer.getScope()
 PropertyScope RemoveSessionVariableTransformer.getScope()
protected  PropertyScope AddFlowVariableTransformer.getScope()
 PropertyScope RemovePropertyTransformer.getScope()
 PropertyScope MessagePropertiesTransformer.getScope()
abstract  PropertyScope AbstractRemoveVariablePropertyTransformer.getScope()
protected  PropertyScope AddPropertyTransformer.getScope()
 PropertyScope RemoveFlowVariableTransformer.getScope()

Methods in org.mule.transformer.simple with parameters of type PropertyScope
protected  void MessagePropertiesTransformer.renameInScope(String oldKey, String newKey, PropertyScope propertyScope, MuleMessage message)
 void MessagePropertiesTransformer.setScope(PropertyScope scope)

Uses of PropertyScope in org.mule.transport.soap.axis.extras

Methods in org.mule.transport.soap.axis.extras with parameters of type PropertyScope
protected static void AxisCleanAndAddProperties.populateProps(Map<String,Object> props, MuleMessage currentMessage, PropertyScope scope)

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