Uses of Interface

Packages that use MuleContextAware
org.mule The Mule implementation of the Universal Message Objects(tm) API specification. 
org.mule.agent Admin components and Agents used to control and Monitor Mule 
org.mule.api.endpoint Endpoint interfaces. 
org.mule.api.model Contains the interfaces for the Model and supporting objects such as the CompoenntResolver, EntryPointResolver, etc. 
org.mule.api.routing Interfaces that define inbound and outbound routing API. 
org.mule.api.transformer Contains the interfaces for transformers and exceptions for the Transformer API. 
org.mule.component.simple A collection of simple mule components that can be useful to simplify configuration while testing. 
org.mule.config Providers Mule Xml configuration support and general configuration classes. 
org.mule.config.spring Support claases for Load Mule from Spring. 
org.mule.context.notification Internal server notification types fired via the MuleManager. 
org.mule.endpoint Implemtation of Mule endpoint uris. 
org.mule.lifecycle.processor Jmx statistics support used to monitor messaging status for various Mule components. 
org.mule.module.json.transformers Transfromers for converting from JavaBeans and collections to JSON and back again. Management agents including agents for Jdmk, MX4J, and Log4J 
org.mule.module.scripting.component Base classes for script based components such as BeanShell or Groovy. 
org.mule.module.scripting.transformer A Spring EventMulticaster that allows any Spring bean to send and receive mule events through the ApplicationContext and event listeners. 
org.mule.module.xml.filters Filters that apply specifically to xml using xml querying mechanisms. 
org.mule.module.xml.transformer Xml and Xslt Transformer implementations. 
org.mule.routing Defines the core routing patterns supported by mule. 
org.mule.routing.filters Filters are often used by routers to determine if the event should be accepted by the router. 
org.mule.routing.outbound Outbound router implementation as described in the Enterprise Integration Patterns book. 
org.mule.routing.requestreply Core security implementation including the mule security manager and encryption types Core sercurity filter types. 
org.mule.tck.functional Helper classes and interfaces used by Mule fnctional tests.   
org.mule.transaction Contains the core transaction support classes and exception types. 
org.mule.transformer Provides the default transformer base implementations for Mule including compression and encryption support. 
org.mule.transformer.codec Transformers for Base64, UC and UU encoding/decoding. 
org.mule.transformer.compression Transformers for compressing and uncompressing message payloads. 
org.mule.transformer.encryption Transformers for encrypting and decrypting message payloads. 
org.mule.transformer.simple Basic transformer implementations. 
org.mule.transformer.wire Contains transformers to convert to and from the java.mail.Message type. 
org.mule.transport.file Provides file transport in the form of a directory listeners and file dispatchers. 
org.mule.transport.file.transformers Transformers for converting to and from the FileMessage type. 
org.mule.transport.jms.transformers Contains transformers to convert to and from different javax.jms.Message types 
org.mule.transport.service Provides SPI support for building mule connectors and providers using service descriptors.   
org.mule.util Common helper classes for reading/writing files setting bean properties and SPI helpers. 
org.mule.util.queue A resource manager that allow access to transactional queues with optional persistence. A javax.resource.spi.WorkManager implementation. 

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule

Classes in org.mule that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractAgent
          Implements common methods for all Agents.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.agent

Classes in org.mule.agent that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractNotificationLoggerAgent
          AbstractNotificationLoggerAgent Receives Mule server notifications and logs them and can optionally route them to an endpoint.
 class EndpointNotificationLoggerAgent
          EndpointAbstractEventLoggerAgent will forward server notifications to a configurered endpoint uri.
 class Log4jNotificationLoggerAgent
          AbstractNotificationLoggerAgent Receives Mule server notifications and logs them and can optionally route them to an endpoint

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.callback

Subinterfaces of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.callback
 interface HttpCallback

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.config

Subinterfaces of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.config
 interface ThreadingProfile
           Mule uses a few different pools i.e.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.context.notification

Classes in org.mule.api.context.notification that implement MuleContextAware
 class ServerNotification
          ServerNotification is an event triggered by something happening in the Server itself such as the server starting or a service being registered.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.endpoint

Subinterfaces of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.endpoint
 interface EndpointBuilder
          Constructs endpoints.
 interface EndpointFactory
          Endpoint factory creates immutable instances of ImmutableEndpoint.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.model

Subinterfaces of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.model
 interface Model

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.processor

Classes in org.mule.api.processor that implement MuleContextAware
 class LoggerMessageProcessor
          MessageProcessor implementation that logs the current element of a value evaluated from it using an expression evaluator.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.routing

Subinterfaces of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.routing
 interface OutboundRouter
          OutboundRouter is used to control outbound routing behaviour for an event.
 interface OutboundRouterCollection
          RouterCollection defines the interface for a MessageRouter that manages more than one router.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.transformer

Subinterfaces of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.transformer
 interface Converter
          Defines a Transformer that is a data type converters, ie: convert data from a type to another without modifying the meaning of the data.
 interface DiscoverableTransformer
          A interface to denote that a transformer is discoverable.
 interface MessageTransformer
          A transformer intended to transform Mule messages rather than arbitrary objects
 interface Transformer
          Transformer can be chained together to covert message payloads from one object type to another.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.transformer.wire

Subinterfaces of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.transformer.wire
 interface WireFormat

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.util

Subinterfaces of MuleContextAware in org.mule.api.util
 interface StreamCloserService
          Simple service to close streams of different types.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.component

Classes in org.mule.component that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractComponent
          Abstract Component to be used by all Component implementations.
 class AbstractJavaComponent
          Abstract implementation of JavaComponent adds JavaComponent specifics like EntryPointResolverSet and ObjectFactory.
 class DefaultJavaComponent
          Default implementation of JavaComponent.
 class PooledJavaComponent
          PooledJavaComponent implements pooling.
 class SimpleCallableJavaComponent
          Simple JavaComponent implementation to be used when LifecycleAdapter is not required because i) the object instance implements Callable and so entry-point resolution is required and ii) component bindings are not used.
An ObjectFactory can be set but must return object instances that implement Callable.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.component.simple

Classes in org.mule.component.simple that implement MuleContextAware
 class PassThroughComponent
          PassThroughComponent will simply return the payload back as the result.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.config

Classes in org.mule.config that implement MuleContextAware
 class ChainedThreadingProfile
          This was written (perhaps too far in advance) with an eye to how we will manage default values in a dynamic environment.
 class DefaultMuleConfiguration
          Configuration info.
 class ImmutableThreadingProfile
static class ImmutableThreadingProfile.DefaultWorkManagerFactory
 class MutableThreadingProfile
          Partial mutability for a threading profile.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.config.bootstrap

Classes in org.mule.config.bootstrap that implement MuleContextAware
 class SimpleRegistryBootstrap
          This object will load objects defined in a file called into the local registry.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.config.dsl.routers

Classes in org.mule.config.dsl.routers that implement MuleContextAware
 class ContentBasedRouter

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.config.endpoint

Classes in org.mule.config.endpoint that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractEndpointAnnotationParser
 class RegistryBackedAnnotationsParserFactory
          Loads the default expression, router and endpoint parsers provided by Mule.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.config.pool

Classes in org.mule.config.pool that implement MuleContextAware
 class DefaultThreadPoolFactory
 class ThreadPoolFactory
          Uses a standard JDK's SPI discovery mechanism to locate implementations.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.config.processors

Classes in org.mule.config.processors that implement MuleContextAware
 class DecoratingAnnotatedServiceProcessor
          This object processor allows users to register annotated services directly to the registry and have them configured correctly.
 class LookupInjectionProcessor

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.config.spring

Classes in org.mule.config.spring that implement MuleContextAware
 class MuleConfigurationConfigurator
          This class is a "SmartFactoryBean" which allows a few XML attributes to be set on the otherwise read-only MuleConfiguration.
 class ServerNotificationManagerConfigurator

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.config.spring.editors

Classes in org.mule.config.spring.editors that implement MuleContextAware
 class MulePropertyEditorRegistrar
          The preferred way to configure property editors in Spring 2/3 is to implement a registrar

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.config.spring.factories

Classes in org.mule.config.spring.factories that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractEndpointFactoryBean
          Abstract spring FactoryBean used to creating endpoints via spring.
 class AbstractFlowConstructFactoryBean
 class AsyncMessageProcessorsFactoryBean
 class BridgeFactoryBean
 class DefaultMemoryQueueStoreFactoryBean
 class DefaultPersistentQueueStoreFactoryBean
 class FileQueueStoreFactoryBean
 class FlowRefFactoryBean
 class InboundEndpointFactoryBean
          Spring FactoryBean used to create concrete instances of inbound endpoints
 class MessageProcessorFilterPairFactoryBean
 class MuleTransactionManagerFactoryBean
           Creates a reference to the TransactionManager configured on the MuleContext.
 class ObjectStoreFromRegistryFactoryBean
          Lookup an ObjectStore from the registry.
 class OutboundEndpointFactoryBean
          Spring FactoryBean used to create concrete instances of outbound endpoints
 class PollInboundEndpointFactoryBean
          Spring FactoryBean used to create concrete instances of inbound endpoints
 class PollingMessageSourceFactoryBean
 class QueueProfileFactoryBean
 class SimpleMemoryQueueStoreFactoryBean
 class SimpleServiceFactoryBean
          Builds SimpleService instances by using the SimpleServiceBuilder.
 class ValidatorFactoryBean

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.config.spring.processors

Classes in org.mule.config.spring.processors that implement MuleContextAware
 class DecoratingFlowAnnotationsBeanProcessor
 class PropertyPlaceholderProcessor
 class TransformerAnnotatedBeanProcessor

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class InheritedModel

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.config.transformer

Classes in org.mule.config.transformer that implement MuleContextAware
 class AnnotatedTransformerObjectProcessor
          Will check all method level annotations to see if there are any Transformer annotations present.
 class AnnotatedTransformerProxy
          Creates a Mule Transformer proxy around a transform method.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.construct

Classes in org.mule.construct that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractPipeline.ProcessIfPipelineStartedMessageProcessor

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.context.notification

Classes in org.mule.context.notification that implement MuleContextAware
 class AsyncMessageNotification
          AsyncMessageNotification when async work is scheduled and completed for a given flow
 class ClusterNodeNotification
          Notifies when there are a cluster node event
 class ComponentMessageNotification
          These notifications are fired when before and after a service component is invoked.
 class ConnectionNotification
          Is fired by a connector when a connection is made or disconnected.
 class CustomNotification
          CustomNotification Custom notifications can be used by components and other objects such as routers, transformers, agents, etc to communicate a change of state to each other.
 class EndpointMessageNotification
          These notifications are fired when either a message is either: received by an endpoint, sent or dispatched from an endpoint or requested from an endpoint.
 class ExceptionNotification
          This class is from Mule 2.2.5.
 class ExceptionStrategyNotification
 class FlowConstructNotification
          FlowConstructNotification is fired when an event such as the flow construct starting occurs.
 class ManagementNotification
          ManagementNotification is fired when monitored resources such as internal queues reach capacity
 class MessageProcessorNotification
 class ModelNotification
 class MuleContextNotification
          MuleContextNotification is fired when an event such as the mule context starting occurs.
 class PipelineMessageNotification
          PipelineMessageNotification is fired at key steps in the processing of Pipeline
 class RegistryNotification
          RegistryNotification is fired when an event such as a Registry being started occurs.
 class RoutingNotification
          Is fired by routers.
 class SecurityNotification
          SecurityNotification is fired when a request for authorisation failed.
 class ServerNotificationManager
          A reworking of the event manager that allows efficient behaviour without global on/off switches in the config.
 class ServiceNotification
 class TransactionNotification

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.el

Classes in org.mule.el that implement MuleContextAware
 class ExpressionLanguageComponent

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.endpoint

Classes in org.mule.endpoint that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractEndpointBuilder
          Abstract endpoint builder used for externalizing the complex creation logic of endpoints out of the endpoint instance itself.
 class AbstractMetaEndpointBuilder
          A base class used for Meta endpoint builders such as RSS or ATOM.
 class DefaultEndpointFactory
 class EndpointURIEndpointBuilder

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.endpoint.outbound

Classes in org.mule.endpoint.outbound that implement MuleContextAware
 class OutboundResponsePropertiesMessageProcessor
          Propagates properties from request message to response message as defined by OutboundEndpoint.getResponseProperties().
 class OutboundTxRollbackMessageProcessor
          MessageProcessor implementation that stops outbound flow is the current transaction has been rolled back.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.enricher

Classes in org.mule.enricher that implement MuleContextAware
 class MessageEnricher
          The Message Enricher allows the current message to be augmented using data from a seperate resource.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.example.bookstore.transformers

Classes in org.mule.example.bookstore.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class AddBookResponse
          A call to addBook() returns a Long representing the number of books in the catalog.
 class HttpRequestToBook
          Transforms a Map of HttpRequest parameters into a Book object.
 class OrderToEmailTransformer
          Composes an e-mail notification message to be sent based on the Book Order.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.example.errorhandler

Classes in org.mule.example.errorhandler that implement MuleContextAware
 class ErrorMessageToException
          The ErrorMessageToException transformer extracts and returns the exception encapsulated by the ErrorMessage message payload.
 class ErrorMessageToExceptionBean
          The ErrorMessageToExceptionBean transformer returns the exception bean encapsulated by the ErrorMessage message payload.
 class ExceptionBeanToErrorMessage

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.example.geomail.transformers

Classes in org.mule.example.geomail.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class IPToSender

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.example.hello

Classes in org.mule.example.hello that implement MuleContextAware
 class ChatStringToString
          NameStringToChatString is a dummy transformer used in the hello world application to transform the ChatString object into a string.
 class ExceptionToString
          ExceptionToString converts an exception to a String, returning the exception's getMessage() result.
 class HttpRequestToNameString
 class NameStringToChatString
          NameStringToChatString converts from a NameString object to a ChatString object.
 class StdinToNameString
          The transformation removes break-lines and newlines from the string, which potentially could have been added during a stdin input operation.
 class StringToNameString
          StringToNameString converts from a String to a NameString object.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.example.loanbroker.routers

Classes in org.mule.example.loanbroker.routers that implement MuleContextAware
 class BankQuotesInboundAggregator
          BankQuotesInboundAggregator receives a number of quotes and selects the lowest
 class BankQuotesResponseAggregator
          BankQuotesInboundAggregator receives a number of quotes and selects the lowest

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.example.loanbroker.transformers

Classes in org.mule.example.loanbroker.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class CreditProfileXmlToCreditProfile
 class LoanQuoteRequestToCreditProfileArgs
          Extracts the customer information from the request into an array of arguments used to invoke the Credit Agency MuleSession bean
 class RestRequestToCustomerRequest
          Converts parameters on the message into a CustomerQuoteRequest object

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.example.notifications

Classes in org.mule.example.notifications that implement MuleContextAware
 class DummySecurityFilter
 class HeartbeatAgent
          A simple agent that fire HeartbeatNotification events at a given frequency to notify that the server is alive and well.
 class HeartbeatNotification
          A simple notification that fires repeatedly to notify tha the Mule server is alive and well.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.example.scripting

Classes in org.mule.example.scripting that implement MuleContextAware
 class SimpleMathTransformer
          A simple transformer which adds/subtracts/multiplies/divides a constant factor to numeric messages.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.exception

Classes in org.mule.exception that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractExceptionListener
          This is the base class for exception strategies which contains several helper methods.
 class AbstractExceptionStrategy
          Deprecated. use AbstractExceptionListener
 class AbstractMessagingExceptionStrategy
          Fire a notification, log exception, increment statistics, route the problematic message to a destination if one is configured (DLQ pattern), commit or rollback transaction if one exists, close any open streams.
 class AbstractSystemExceptionStrategy
          Fire a notification, log exception, clean up transaction if any, and trigger reconnection strategy if this is a ConnectException.
 class CatchMessagingExceptionStrategy
 class ChoiceMessagingExceptionStrategy
          Selects which exception strategy to execute based on filtering.
 class DefaultMessagingExceptionStrategy
          This is the default exception handler for flows and services.
 class DefaultServiceExceptionStrategy
          Deprecated. use DefaultMessagingExceptionStrategy instead
 class DefaultSystemExceptionStrategy
          This is the default exception handler for any exception which does not inherit from MessagingException, i.e, when no message is in play.
 class MessagingExceptionStrategyAcceptorDelegate
          Allows to use MessagingExceptionHandler as MessagingExceptionHandlerAcceptor.
 class RollbackMessagingExceptionStrategy
 class TemplateMessagingExceptionStrategy

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.execution

Classes in org.mule.execution that implement MuleContextAware
 class MuleMessageProcessingManager
          Default implementation for MessageProcessingManager.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.expression

Classes in org.mule.expression that implement MuleContextAware
 class DefaultExpressionManager
          Provides universal access for evaluating expressions embedded in Mule configurations, such as Xml, Java, scripting and annotations.
 class EndpointInfoExpressionEvaluator
          Looks up information about a global endpoint
 class MessagePayloadExpressionEvaluator
          Returns the message payload.
 class MuleContextExpressionEvaluator
          This property extractor exposes mule context information as expressions.
 class MuleExpressionEvaluator
          Deprecated. MuleExpressionEvaluator is a wrapper of the default expression evaluators which ends up redirecting to the DefaultExpressionManager evaluate method. It has been deprecated since it only provides one more way to accomplish the same result. Instead use the default expression evaluators, for example: #[mule:message.headers(foo, bar)] - replaced by #[headers:foo,bar] #[mule:message.attachments-list(attach1, attach2*)] - replaced by #[attachments-list:attach1,attach2*] #[mule:context.serviceName] - replaced by #[context:serviceName] Check the Expressions configuration reference for more examples of the default expression evaluators syntax.
 class RegistryExpressionEvaluator
          Looks up information about objects in the Registry
 class StringExpressionEvaluator
          Will process an expression string that can contain other expressions

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.expression.transformers

Classes in org.mule.expression.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractExpressionTransformer
          This transformer will evaluate one or more expressions on the current message and return the results as an Array.
 class BeanBuilderTransformer
          This transformer uses the returnClass to create the return object and then will populate the bean with arguments defined as expressions
 class ExpressionArgument
 class ExpressionTransformer
          This transformer will evaluate one or more expressions on the current message and return the results as an Array.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.interceptor

Classes in org.mule.interceptor that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractEnvelopeInterceptor
          EnvelopeInterceptor is an intercepter that will fire before and after an event is received.
 class InterceptorStack
          Maintains a list of interceptors that can be applied to components.
 class LoggingInterceptor
          LoggingInterceptor is a simple interceptor that logs a message before and after the event processing.
 class ProcessingTimeInterceptor
          Calculate and record the processing time for a message processing chain
 class TimerInterceptor
          TimerInterceptor simply times and displays the time taken to process an event.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.lifecycle

Classes in org.mule.lifecycle that implement MuleContextAware
 class MuleContextLifecycleManager
          This is a specialized class that extends RegistryLifecycleManager and will invoke lifecycle on the registry instance for the MuleContext.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.lifecycle.phases

Classes in org.mule.lifecycle.phases that implement MuleContextAware
 class ContainerManagedLifecyclePhase
          A container-managed lifecycle phase is called by the container itself.
 class DefaultLifecyclePhase
          Represents a configurable lifecycle phase.
 class MuleContextDisposePhase
          Objects are disposed of via the Registry since the Registry manages the creation/initialisation of the objects it must also take care of disposing them.
 class MuleContextInitialisePhase
          The MuleContextInitialisePhase defines the lifecycle behaviour when the Mule context is initialised.
 class MuleContextStartPhase
          The Start phase for the MuleContext.
 class MuleContextStopPhase
          The Stop phase for the Management context LifecycleManager.
 class NotInLifecyclePhase
          This lifecycle phase marks the 'pre-lifecycle' phase of an object.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.lifecycle.processor

Classes in org.mule.lifecycle.processor that implement MuleContextAware
 class ProcessIfStartedMessageProcessor
 class ProcessIfStartedWaitIfPausedMessageProcessor
 class ProcessIfStartedWaitIfSyncPausedMessageProcessor

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class DefaultProcessingTimeWatcher

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.model

Classes in org.mule.model that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractModel

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.model.seda

Classes in org.mule.model.seda that implement MuleContextAware
 class SedaModel

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.atom

Classes in org.mule.module.atom that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbderaServiceComponent
          This component receives requests from Mule and passes them off to Abdera.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.atom.routing

Classes in org.mule.module.atom.routing that implement MuleContextAware
 class FeedSplitter
          An inbound router that will split a Feed into entries.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.atom.transformers

Classes in org.mule.module.atom.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class AtomEntryBuilderTransformer
 class BaseToOutputHandler
          Converts Abdera model elements which extend Base to OutputHandlers.
 class ObjectToFeed
          ObjectToInputStream converts serilaizable object to a input stream but treats java.lang.String differently by converting to bytes using the String.getBytes() method.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.bpm

Classes in org.mule.module.bpm that implement MuleContextAware
 class ProcessComponent
          A service backed by the execution of a business process such as jBPM.
 class RulesComponent
          A service backed by a Business Rules engine such as Drools.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.client.remoting

Classes in org.mule.module.client.remoting that implement MuleContextAware
 class RemoteDispatcherAgent
          RemoteDispatcherAgent manages the server endpoint that receives Admin and remote client requests

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.client.remoting.notification

Classes in org.mule.module.client.remoting.notification that implement MuleContextAware
 class RemoteDispatcherNotification
          RemoteDispatcherNotification is used to invoke actions on a remote mule server

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.cxf

Classes in org.mule.module.cxf that implement MuleContextAware
 class CxfComponentExceptionStrategy
          Deprecated. Currently the result is the same if no exception strategy is defined within the flow. The only difference is that when you set the CxfComponentExceptionStrategy the exception is unwrapped inside of the exception block, but the exceptionPayload doesn't change.
 class CxfConfiguration
          Provides global CXF configuration defaults.
 class CxfInboundMessageProcessor
          The CxfInboundMessageProcessor performs inbound CXF processing, sending an event through the CXF service, then on to the next MessageProcessor.
 class CxfOutboundMessageProcessor
          The CxfOutboundMessageProcessor performs outbound CXF processing, sending an event through the CXF client, then on to the next MessageProcessor.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.cxf.builder

Classes in org.mule.module.cxf.builder that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractClientMessageProcessorBuilder
          An abstract builder for non proxy clients.
 class AbstractInboundMessageProcessorBuilder
          An abstract builder for CXF services.
 class AbstractOutboundMessageProcessorBuilder
 class JaxWsClientMessageProcessorBuilder
          Builds a JAX-WS client based CxfOutboundMessageProcessor.
 class LocalClientMessageProcessorBuilder
          This builder uses a service that is already configured to build a CXF client and it's corresponding MessageProcessor.
 class ProxyClientMessageProcessorBuilder
          Creates an outbound proxy based on a specially configure CXF Client.
 class ProxyServiceMessageProcessorBuilder
          Creates an inbound proxy based on a specially configure CXF Server.
 class SimpleClientMessageProcessorBuilder
 class WebServiceMessageProcessorBuilder
          Builds a CXF web service MessageProcessor using either the JAX-WS or simple frontends.
 class WsdlClientMessageProcessorBuilder
          Builds an outbound CXF MessageProcessor based on a WSDL using CXF's DynamicClientFactory.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.cxf.component

Classes in org.mule.module.cxf.component that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractWebServiceWrapperComponent
 class WebServiceWrapperComponent

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.cxf.config

Classes in org.mule.module.cxf.config that implement MuleContextAware
 class JaxWsClientFactoryBean
 class ProxyClientFactoryBean
 class ProxyServiceFactoryBean
 class SimpleClientFactoryBean
 class WebServiceFactoryBean

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.cxf.endpoint

Classes in org.mule.module.cxf.endpoint that implement MuleContextAware
 class CxfEndpointBuilder
 class WsdlCxfEndpointBuilder

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.jaas.filters

Classes in org.mule.module.jaas.filters that implement MuleContextAware
 class JaasSecurityFilter

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.jersey

Classes in org.mule.module.jersey that implement MuleContextAware
 class JerseyResourcesComponent
          Wraps a set of components which can get invoked by Jersey.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.json.transformers

Classes in org.mule.module.json.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractJsonTransformer
 class AbstractToFromXmlTransformer
          Superclass for transformers that convert JSON to and from XML
 class JsonSchemaValidationFilter
          Validate a JSON string against an XML schema.
 class JsonToObject
          A transformer that will convert a JSON encoded object graph to a java object.
 class JsonToXml
          Convert JSON to an XML document string
 class JsonTransformerResolver
          A TransformerResolver implementation used to discover whether the current transform requests requires Json mashaling.
 class JsonXsltTransformer
          Convert Json to Json using XSLT
 class ObjectToJson
          Converts a java object to a JSON encoded object that can be consumed by other languages such as Javascript or Ruby.
 class XmlToJson
          Convert XML to a JSON string

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class DefaultJmxSupportAgent
 class JdmkAgent
          JdmkAgent configures an Jdmk Http Adaptor for Jmx management, statistics and configuration viewing of a Mule instance.
 class JmxAgent
          JmxAgent registers Mule Jmx management beans with an MBean server.
 class JmxAgentConfigurer
          Mule now binds to a platform mbeanserver by default and jmx agent is always registered via a bootstrap process.
 class JmxServerNotificationAgent
          An agent that propergates Mule Server notifications to Jmx.
 class Log4jAgent
          Log4jAgent exposes the configuration of the Log4J instance running in Mule for Jmx management
 class Mx4jAgent
          Mx4jAgent configures an Mx4J Http Adaptor for Jmx management, statistics and configuration viewing of a Mule instance.
 class RmiRegistryAgent
          Binds to an existing RMI registry or creates a new one on a defined URI.
 class WrapperManagerAgent
          This agent integrates Java Service Wrapper into Mule.
 class YourKitProfilerAgent

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.pgp.filters

Classes in org.mule.module.pgp.filters that implement MuleContextAware
 class PGPSecurityFilter

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.rss.transformers

Classes in org.mule.module.rss.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class ObjectToRssFeed
          Converts an RSS data representation into a SyndFeed object

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.scripting.component

Classes in org.mule.module.scripting.component that implement MuleContextAware
 class Scriptable
          A JSR 223 Script service.
 class ScriptComponent
          A Script service backed by a JSR-223 compliant script engine such as Groovy, JavaScript, or Rhino.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.scripting.expression

Classes in org.mule.module.scripting.expression that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractScriptExpressionEvaluator
          An abstract ExpressionEvaluator that can be used for any JSR-233 script engine.
 class GroovyExpressionEvaluator
          An ExpressionEvaluator that allows the user to define Groovy expressions to extract data from the current message.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.scripting.filter

Classes in org.mule.module.scripting.filter that implement MuleContextAware
 class ScriptFilter

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.scripting.transformer

Classes in org.mule.module.scripting.transformer that implement MuleContextAware
 class ScriptTransformer
          Runs a script to perform transformation on an object.

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class MuleEventMulticaster
          MuleEventMulticaster is an implementation of a Spring ApplicationEventMulticaster.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.spring.remoting

Classes in org.mule.module.spring.remoting that implement MuleContextAware
 class ObjectToRemoteInvocationResultTransformer
          Converts an Object to a Spring RemoteInvocationResult and then into a byte[].
 class ObjectToRemoteInvocationTransformer
          Transforms a byte[] into an ObjectInputStream and then into a Spring RemoteInvocation instance.

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class AuthorizationFilter
          Authorizes user access based on the required authorities for a user.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.sxc

Classes in org.mule.module.sxc that implement MuleContextAware
 class SxcFilteringOutboundRouter
          FilteringRouter is a router that accepts events based on a filter set.

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class WSProxyFactoryBean

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.xml.el

Classes in org.mule.module.xml.el that implement MuleContextAware
 class XMLExpressionLanguageExtension

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.xml.expression

Classes in org.mule.module.xml.expression that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractXPathExpressionEvaluator
          Provides a base class for XPath property extractors.
 class BeanPayloadExpressionEvaluator
 class JaxpXPathExpressionEvaluator
          Uses JAXP XPath processing to evaluate xpath expressions against Xml fragments and documents

Note that the JAXP Expression evaluator differs from the Mule XPATH evaluator slightly since you can set the JAXP return type as a prefix to the expression i.e.

 class JXPathExpressionEvaluator
          Deprecated. Developers should use xpath, bean or groovy instead of this expression evaluator since there are some quirks with JXPath and the performance is not good.
 class XPathBranchExpressionEvaluator
 class XPathExpressionEvaluator
          Will select the text of a single node based on the property name
 class XPathNodeExpressionEvaluator
          Will select the text of a single node based on the property name

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.xml.filters

Classes in org.mule.module.xml.filters that implement MuleContextAware
 class JaxenFilter
          JaxenFilter evaluates an XPath expression against an XML document using Jaxen.
 class JXPathFilter
          JXPathFilter evaluates an XPath expression against a W3C Document, XML string, or Java bean and returns true if the result is as expected.
 class XPathFilter

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.xml.transformer

Classes in org.mule.module.xml.transformer that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractXmlTransformer
          AbstractXmlTransformer offers some XSLT transform on a DOM (or other XML-ish) object.
 class AbstractXStreamTransformer
          AbstractXStreamTransformer is a base class for all XStream based transformers.
 class DomDocumentToXml
          DomDocumentToXml Transform a org.w3c.dom.Document to XML String
 class JXPathExtractor
          The JXPathExtractor is a simple transformer that evaluates an xpath expression against the given bean and that returns the result.
 class ObjectToXml
          ObjectToXml converts any object to XML using Xstream.
 class XmlPrettyPrinter
 class XmlToDomDocument
          XmlToDomDocument transforms a XML String to org.w3c.dom.Document.
 class XmlToObject
          XmlToObject converts xml created by the ObjectToXml transformer in to a java object graph.
 class XmlToOutputHandler
 class XmlToXMLStreamReader
 class XPathExtractor
          Simple transformer for using the JAXP XPath library to extract an XPath value from an XPath expression.
 class XQueryTransformer
          The XQuery Module gives users the ability to perform XQuery transformations on XML messages in Mule
 class XsltTransformer
          XsltTransformer performs an XSLT transform on a DOM (or other XML-ish) object.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.xml.transformer.jaxb

Classes in org.mule.module.xml.transformer.jaxb that implement MuleContextAware
 class JAXBMarshallerTransformer
          Allows marshaling of Java objects to XML using JAXB 2.
 class JAXBTransformerResolver
          A TransformerResolver implementation used to discover whether the current transform requests requires JAXB.
 class JAXBUnmarshallerTransformer
          Allows un-marshaling of XML generated by JAXB to a Java object graph.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.module.xml.transformer.wire

Classes in org.mule.module.xml.transformer.wire that implement MuleContextAware
 class XStreamWireFormat
          Serializes objects using XStream.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.processor

Classes in org.mule.processor that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractFilteringMessageProcessor
          Abstract InterceptingMessageProcessor that can be easily be extended and used for filtering message flow through a MessageProcessor chain.
 class AbstractInterceptingMessageProcessor
          Abstract implementation of InterceptingMessageProcessor that simply provides an implementation of setNext and holds the next message processor as an attribute.
 class AbstractInterceptingMessageProcessorBase
          Abstract implementation that provides the infrastructure for intercepting message processors.
 class AbstractMessageProcessorOwner
          An object that owns message processors and delegates startup/shutdown events to them.
 class AbstractMuleObjectOwner<T>
          An object that owns Mule objects and delegates startup/shutdown events to them.
 class AbstractRedeliveryPolicy
          Implement a redelivery policy for Mule.
 class AbstractResponseMessageProcessor
 class AsyncDelegateMessageProcessor
          Processes MuleEvent's asynchronously using a MuleWorkManager to schedule asynchronous processing of MessageProcessor delegate configured the next MessageProcessor.
 class AsyncInterceptingMessageProcessor
          Processes MuleEvent's asynchronously using a MuleWorkManager to schedule asynchronous processing of the next MessageProcessor.
 class EndpointTransactionalInterceptingMessageProcessor
          Wraps the invocation of the next MessageProcessor with a transaction.
 class ExceptionHandlingMessageProcessor
 class IdempotentRedeliveryPolicy
          Implement a retry policy for Mule.
 class InvokerMessageProcessor
          InvokerMessageProcessor invokes a specified method of an object.
 class LaxAsyncInterceptingMessageProcessor
 class LaxSedaStageInterceptingMessageProcessor
          Processes MuleEvent's asynchronously using a MuleWorkManager to schedule asynchronous processing of the next MessageProcessor.
 class ResponseMessageProcessorAdapter
 class SecurityFilterMessageProcessor
          Filters the flow using the specified SecurityFilter.
 class SedaStageInterceptingMessageProcessor
          Processes MuleEvent's asynchronously using a MuleWorkManager to schedule asynchronous processing of the next MessageProcessor.
 class StopFurtherMessageProcessingMessageProcessor
 class TransactionalInterceptingMessageProcessor
          Wraps the invocation of the next MessageProcessor with a transaction.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.processor.chain

Classes in org.mule.processor.chain that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractMessageProcessorChain
          Builder needs to return a composite rather than the first MessageProcessor in the chain.
 class DefaultMessageProcessorChain
 class InterceptingChainLifecycleWrapper
          Builder needs to return a composite rather than the first MessageProcessor in the chain.
 class SimpleMessageProcessorChain
 class SubflowInterceptingChainLifecycleWrapper
          Generates message processor identfiers specific for subflows.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.registry

Classes in org.mule.registry that implement MuleContextAware
 class TypeBasedTransformerResolver
          Will discover transformers based on type information only.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.retry

Classes in org.mule.retry that implement MuleContextAware
 class DefaultRetryContext
          The RetryContext is used to store any data which carries over from attempt to attempt such as response messages.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.retry.policies

Classes in org.mule.retry.policies that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractPolicyTemplate
          Base class for RetryPolicyTemplate implementations.
 class NoRetryPolicyTemplate
          This policy is basically a placeholder.
 class RetryForeverPolicyTemplate
          This policy is the same as SimpleRetryPolicyTemplate but will retry an infinite amount of times.
 class SimpleRetryPolicyTemplate
          This policy allows the user to configure how many times a retry should be attempted and how long to wait between retries.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.routing

Classes in org.mule.routing that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractAggregator
          AbstractEventAggregator will aggregate a set of messages into a single message.
 class AbstractCorrelationAggregator
          AbstractCorrelationAggregatingMessageProcessor uses the CorrelationID and CorrelationGroupSize properties of the MuleMessage to manage message groups.
 class AbstractSelectiveRouter
 class AbstractSplitter
          Splits a message invoking the next message processor one for each split part.
 class ChoiceRouter
          Routes the event to a singleMessageProcessor using a Filter to evaluate the event being processed and find the first route that can be used.
 class CollectionSplitter
          Splits a message that has a Collection, Iterable, MessageSequence or Iterator payload invoking the next message processor one for each item in it.
 class DynamicAll
          Routes a message through a set of routes that will be obtained dynamically (per message) using a DynamicRouteResolver.
 class DynamicFirstSuccessful
          Routes a message through a set of routes that will be obtained dynamically (per message) using a DynamicRouteResolver.
 class ExpressionMessageInfoMapping
 class ExpressionSplitter
          Splits a message using the expression provided invoking the next message processor one for each split part.
 class FirstSuccessful
          FirstSuccessful routes an event to the first target route that can accept it without throwing or returning an exception.
 class Foreach
          ` * The Foreach MessageProcessor allows iterating over a collection payload, or any collection obtained by an expression, generating a message for each element.
 class IdempotentMessageFilter
          IdempotentMessageFilter ensures that only unique messages are passed on.
 class IdempotentSecureHashMessageFilter
          IdempotentSecureHashMessageFilter ensures that only unique messages are received by a service.
 class MapSplitter
          Splits a message that has a map payload invoking the next message processor one for each item in the map in order.
 class MessageChunkAggregator
 class MessageChunkSplitter
          A router that breaks up the current message onto smaller parts and sends them to the same destination.
 class MessageFilter
          Implementation of InterceptingMessageProcessor that filters message flow using a Filter.
 class MessageProcessorFilterPair
          A holder for a pair of MessageProcessor and Filter.
 class Resequencer
          Resequencer is used to resequence events according to their dispatch sequence in the correlation group.
 class RoundRobin
          RoundRobin divides the messages it receives among its target routes in round-robin fashion.
 class SimpleCollectionAggregator
          This router will return all aggregated events as a MuleMessageCollection.
 class UntilSuccessful
          UntilSuccessful attempts to route a message to the message processor it contains in an asynchronous manner.
 class WireTap
          The WireTap MessageProcessor allows inspection of messages in a flow.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.routing.filters

Classes in org.mule.routing.filters that implement MuleContextAware
 class ExpressionFilter
          Allows boolean expressions to be executed on a message.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.routing.outbound

Classes in org.mule.routing.outbound that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractMessageSequenceSplitter
          Base implementation of a MuleMessage splitter, that converts its payload in a MessageSequence, and process each element of it.
 class AbstractMessageSplitter
          AbstractMessageSplitter is an outbound Message Splitter used to split the contents of a received message into sub parts that can be processed by other components.
 class AbstractOutboundRouter
          AbstractOutboundRouter is a base router class that tracks statistics about message processing through the router.
 class AbstractRecipientList
          AbstractRecipientList is used to dispatch a single event to multiple recipients over the same transport.
 class AbstractRoundRobinMessageSplitter
          FilteringListMessageSplitter accepts a List as a message payload then routes list elements as messages over an endpoint where the endpoint's filter accepts the payload.
 class AbstractSequenceRouter
          Defines a router that sequentially routes a given message to the list of registered endpoints and returns the aggregate responses as the result.
 class ChainingRouter
          ChainingRouter is used to pass a Mule event through multiple targets using the result of the first as the input for the second.
 class DefaultOutboundRouterCollection
          DefaultOutboundRouterCollection is a container of routers.
 class EndpointSelector
          EndpointSelector selects the outgoing endpoint based on a an expression evaluator ("header:endpoint" by default).
 class ExceptionBasedRouter
          ExceptionBasedRouter Will send the current event to the first endpoint that doesn't throw an exception.
 class ExpressionMessageSplitter
          Evaluates a single expression and adds the results of the expression as individual message parts.
 class ExpressionRecipientList
 class FilteringOutboundRouter
          FilteringRouter is a router that accepts events based on a filter set.
 class ListMessageSplitter
          FilteringListMessageSplitter accepts a List as a message payload then routes list elements as messages over an endpoint where the endpoint's filter accepts the payload.
 class MessageChunkingRouter
          A router that breaks up the current message onto smaller parts and sends them to the same destination.
 class MulticastingRouter
          MulticastingRouter will broadcast the current message to every endpoint registered with the router.
 class OutboundPassThroughRouter
          OutboundPassThroughRouter allows outbound routing over a single endpoint without any filtering.
 class SequenceRouter
          Defines a AbstractSequenceRouter that stops the routing of a given message when a synchronous endpoint has returned a null or an exception message.
 class StaticRecipientList
          StaticRecipientList is used to dispatch a single event to multiple recipients over the same transport.
 class TransformerRouter

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.routing.requestreply

Classes in org.mule.routing.requestreply that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractAsyncRequestReplyRequester
 class AbstractReplyToPropertyRequestReplyReplier
 class AsyncReplyToPropertyRequestReplyReplier
 class ReplyToPropertyRequestReplyReplier
 class SimpleAsyncRequestReplyRequester
 class SimpleRequestReplyReplier

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractAuthenticationFilter
          AbstractEndpointSecurityFilter provides a framework to perform inbound or outbound authentication for messages.
 class AbstractEndpointSecurityFilter
 class AbstractSecurityFilter
          AbstractSecurityFilter provides basic initialisation for all security filters, namely configuring the SecurityManager for this instance
 class UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter
          Performs authentication based on a username and password.

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class MuleEncryptionEndpointSecurityFilter
          MuleEncryptionEndpointSecurityFilter provides password-based encryption

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.service

Classes in org.mule.service that implement MuleContextAware
 class ForwardingConsumer
 class PausePhase
          Defines a phase phase that will invoke the Pausable.pause() method on an object.
 class ResumePhase
          Resume phase happens only alfter a pause phase.
 class ServiceAsyncReplyCompositeMessageSource
 class ServiceCompositeMessageSource

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.service.processor

Classes in org.mule.service.processor that implement MuleContextAware
 class ServiceAsyncRequestReplyRequestor
 class ServiceInternalMessageProcessor
 class ServiceOutboundMessageProcessor

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.source

Classes in org.mule.source that implement MuleContextAware
 class ClusterizableMessageSourceWrapper
          Wraps a ClusterizableMessageSource in order to manage the lifecycle of the wrapped instance differently depending if the node is primary or not inside a cluster.
 class StartableCompositeMessageSource
          Implementation of CompositeMessageSource that propagates both injection of FlowConstruct and lifecycle to nested MessageSources.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.tck.functional

Classes in org.mule.tck.functional that implement MuleContextAware
 class FunctionalTestComponent
          FunctionalTestComponent is a service that can be used by functional tests.
 class FunctionalTestNotification
          A FunctionlTestNotification is fired by the FunctionalTestComponent when it receives an event.
 class QuietExceptionStrategy
          Restrict exceptions to debug log messages
 class StringAppendTestTransformer
 class TransactionalFunctionalTestComponent
          This service is useful for unit tests involving transactionality because it will roll back the current transaction upon message arrival.

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class TestServiceComponent
          TestServiceComponent is a test WebServices service.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.tck.transformer

Classes in org.mule.tck.transformer that implement MuleContextAware
 class NoActionTransformer
          NoActionTransformer doesn't do any transformation on the source object and returns the source as the result.
 class ValidateResponse
          Throws an exception if the message does not contain "success".

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transaction

Classes in org.mule.transaction that implement MuleContextAware
 class MuleTransactionConfig

MuleTransactionConfig defines transaction configuration for a transactional endpoint.


Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transformer

Classes in org.mule.transformer that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractDiscoverableTransformer
 class AbstractMessageAwareTransformer
 class AbstractMessageTransformer
          AbstractMessageTransformer is a transformer that has a reference to the current message.
 class AbstractTransformer
          AbstractTransformer is a base class for all transformers.
 class CompositeConverter
          Composes many converters to behave as a single one.
 class TransformerChain
          A referencable chain of transformers that can be used as a single transformer
 class TransformerTemplate

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transformer.codec

Classes in org.mule.transformer.codec that implement MuleContextAware
 class Base64Decoder
          Base64Encoder transforms Base64 encoded data into strings or byte arrays.
 class Base64Encoder
          Base64Encoder transforms strings or byte arrays into Base64 encoded string.
 class XmlEntityDecoder
          Decodes a String or byte[] containing XML entities
 class XmlEntityEncoder
          Encodes a string with XML entities

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transformer.compression

Classes in org.mule.transformer.compression that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractCompressionTransformer
          AbstractCompressionTransformer is a base class for all transformers that can compress or uncompress data when they performa message transformation.
 class GZipCompressTransformer
          GZipCompressTransformer is a transformer compressing objects into byte arrays.
 class GZipUncompressTransformer
          GZipCompressTransformer will uncompress a byte[] or InputStream

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transformer.encryption

Classes in org.mule.transformer.encryption that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractEncryptionTransformer
          EncryptionTransformer will transform an array of bytes or string into an encrypted array of bytes
 class DecryptionTransformer
          EncryptionTransformer will transform an encrypted array of bytes or string into an decrypted array of bytes
 class EncryptionTransformer
          EncryptionTransformer will transform an array of bytes or string into an encrypted array of bytes

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transformer.simple

Classes in org.mule.transformer.simple that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractAddVariablePropertyTransformer
 class AbstractRemoveVariablePropertyTransformer
 class AddAttachmentTransformer
 class AddFlowVariableTransformer
 class AddPropertyTransformer
 class AddSessionVariableTransformer
 class AutoTransformer
          A transformer that uses the transform discovery mechanism to convert the message payload.
 class BeanToMap
          Conversts a simple bean object to a Map.
 class ByteArrayToHexString
          Converts a Byte array to a Hex String.
 class ByteArrayToMuleMessage
 class ByteArrayToObject
          ByteArrayToObject works in the same way as ByteArrayToSerializable but checks if the byte array is a serialised object and if not will return a String created from the bytes as the returnType on the transformer.
 class ByteArrayToSerializable
          ByteArrayToSerializable converts a serialized object to its object representation
 class CopyAttachmentsTransformer
 class CopyPropertiesTransformer
 class DataHandlerToInputStreamTransformer
 class GetBeanProperty
          Looks up a property from a JavaBean using PropertyUtils.getProperty().
 class HexStringToByteArray
          Converts a Hex String to a Byte array
 class MapLookup
          MapLookup looks up and returns an object from a Map based on a key.
 class MapToBean
          Creates and object of type AbstractTransformer.getReturnClass() and populates values of a Map as bean properties on the object.
 class MessagePropertiesTransformer
           A configurable message transformer that allows users to add, overwrite, rename and delete properties on the current message.
 class MuleMessageToByteArray
 class NumberToString
          NumberToString converts a Number to a String.
 class ObjectArrayToString
          ObjectArrayToString transformer is the opposite of StringToObjectArray - it simply converts Object[] to a String in which each element is separated by a configurable delimiter (default is a space).
 class ObjectToByteArray
          ObjectToByteArray converts serilaizable object to a byte array but treats java.lang.String differently by converting to bytes using the String.getBytrs() method.
 class ObjectToInputStream
          ObjectToInputStream converts Serializable objects to an InputStream but treats java.lang.String, byte[] and org.mule.api.transport.OutputHandler differently by using their byte[] content rather thqn Serializing them.
 class ObjectToOutputHandler
          ObjectToOutputHandler converts a byte array into a String.
 class ObjectToString
          ObjectToString transformer is useful for debugging.
 class ParseTemplateTransformer
          Loads a template and parses its content to resolve expressions.
 class PropertyEditorTextToValueTransformer
          PropertyEditorTextToValueTransformer adapts a PropertyEditor instance allowing it to be used to transform from a String to another type in Mule
 class PropertyEditorValueToTextTransformer
          PropertyEditorValueToTextTransformer adapts a PropertyEditor instance allowing it to be used to transform from a specific type to a String.
 class RemoveAttachmentTransformer
 class RemoveFlowVariableTransformer
 class RemovePropertyTransformer
 class RemoveSessionVariableTransformer
 class SerializableToByteArray
          SerializableToByteArray converts a serializable object or a String to a byte array.
 class SetPayloadTransformer
          Transformer that modifies the payload of the message according to the provided value.
 class StringAppendTransformer
 class StringToBoolean
          ByteArrayToSerializable converts a serialized object to its object representation
 class StringToNumber
          StringToNumber converts a String to a Number.
 class StringToObjectArray
          StringToObjectArray converts a String into an object array.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transformer.wire

Classes in org.mule.transformer.wire that implement MuleContextAware
 class SerializationWireFormat
          Wire format using Java serialization
 class SerializedMuleMessageWireFormat
          Wire format using Java serialization to serialize MuleMessage objects accross the wire
 class TransformerPairWireFormat
          A pairing of an outbound transformer and an inbound transformer that can be used to serialize and deserialize data.

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class EmailMessageToString
          EmailMessageToString extracts the text body of java mail Message and returns a string.
 class MimeMessageToRfc822ByteArray
 class ObjectToMimeMessage
          Transforms a Message to a MuleMessage, with support for attachments
 class Rfc822ByteArraytoMimeMessage
 class StringToEmailMessage
          StringToEmailMessage will convert a String to a JavaMail Message, using the String as the contents.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.file

Subinterfaces of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.file
 interface FilenameParser
          FilenameParser is a simple expression parser interface for processing filenames

Classes in org.mule.transport.file that implement MuleContextAware
 class ExpressionFilenameParser
          ExpressionFilenameParser can use any expression language supported by Mule to construct a file name for the current message.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.file.transformers

Classes in org.mule.transport.file.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class FileToByteArray
          FileToByteArray reads the contents of a file as a byte array.
 class FileToString
          FileToString reads file contents into a string.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.http.components

Classes in org.mule.transport.http.components that implement MuleContextAware
 class HttpResponseBuilder
 class RestServiceWrapper
          This service can used to proxy REST style services as local Mule Components.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.http.config.spring.factories

Classes in org.mule.transport.http.config.spring.factories that implement MuleContextAware
 class HttpProxyFactoryBean

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.http.filters

Classes in org.mule.transport.http.filters that implement MuleContextAware
 class HttpBasicAuthenticationFilter
          HttpBasicAuthenticationFilter TODO

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.http.servlet

Classes in org.mule.transport.http.servlet that implement MuleContextAware
 class ServletTransformer
          THIS CLASS IS UNSUPPORTED AND THE IMPLEMENTATION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THE SERVLET SPECIFICATION! With that said, it can be used to make integration with libraries that only support servlets easier.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.http.transformers

Classes in org.mule.transport.http.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class FormTransformer
          Converts HTML forms POSTs into a Map of parameters.
 class HttpClientMethodResponseToObject
          HttpClientMethodResponseToObject transforms a http client response to a DefaultMuleMessage.
 class HttpRequestBodyToParamMap
 class HttpResponseToString
          Converts an Http Response object to String.
 class MuleMessageToHttpResponse
          Converts a MuleMessage into an Http response.
 class ObjectToHttpClientMethodRequest
          ObjectToHttpClientMethodRequest transforms a MuleMessage into a HttpClient HttpMethod that represents an HttpRequest.
 class ServletRequestToOutputHandler
          Adds support for converting a HttpServletRequest into an OutputHandler

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class JdbcObjectStore<T extends Serializable>

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.jms.transformers

Classes in org.mule.transport.jms.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractJmsTransformer
          AbstractJmsTransformer is an abstract class that should be used for all transformers where a JMS message will be the transformed or transformee object.
 class JMSMessageToObject
          JMSMessageToObject Will convert a javax.jms.Message or sub-type into an object by extracting the message payload.
 class ObjectToJMSMessage
          ObjectToJMSMessage will convert any object to a javax.jms.Message or sub-type into an object.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.quartz.config

Classes in org.mule.transport.quartz.config that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractJobConfig
          Base implementation of JobConfig.
 class ScheduleAnnotationParser
          Creates a Quartz inbound endpoint for a service

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class CustomJobConfig
          This configuration simply holds a reference to a user defined job to execute.
 class CustomJobFromMessageConfig
          This configuration simply holds a reference to a user defined job to execute.
 class EndpointPollingJobConfig
          Configuration for the EndpointPollingJob job.
 class EventGeneratorJobConfig
          The configuration for the EventGeneratorJob job.
 class PollEndpointJob
 class ScheduledDispatchJobConfig
          The configuration for the ScheduledDispatchJob job.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.service

Subinterfaces of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.service
 interface TransportServiceDescriptor
          TransportServiceDescriptor describes the necessary information for creating a connector from a service descriptor.

Classes in org.mule.transport.service that implement MuleContextAware
 class DefaultTransportServiceDescriptor
 class MetaTransportServiceDescriptor
          Used to describe a Meta transport, one which only defines an endpoint, not a connector, receiver, dispatcher, etc

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class ServletContextNotification

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.servlet.jetty

Classes in org.mule.transport.servlet.jetty that implement MuleContextAware
 class JettyWebappServerAgent
          A 'proxy' agent that displays info about any webapps deployed together with their entry-point url.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.servlet.transformers

Classes in org.mule.transport.servlet.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class HttpRequestToByteArray
          Converts an HttpServletRequest into an array of bytes by extracting the payload of the request.
 class HttpRequestToInputStream
          Converts a HttpServletRequest into an InputStream.
 class HttpRequestToParameter
 class HttpRequestToParameterMap
          Returns a simple Map of the parameters sent with the HTTP Request.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.sftp.notification

Classes in org.mule.transport.sftp.notification that implement MuleContextAware
 class SftpTransportNotification

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.sftp.transformers

Classes in org.mule.transport.sftp.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class InputStreamToByteArray

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.tcp.protocols

Classes in org.mule.transport.tcp.protocols that implement MuleContextAware
 class MuleMessageDirectProtocol
          This Protocol will send the actual Mule Message over the TCP channel, and in this way we are preserving any headers which might be needed, for example Correlation IDs in order to be able to aggregate messages after chunking.
 class MuleMessageEOFProtocol
          This Protocol will send the actual Mule Message over the TCP channel, and in this way we are preserving any headers which might be needed, for example Correlation IDs in order to be able to aggregate messages after chunking.
 class MuleMessageLengthProtocol
          This Protocol will send the actual Mule Message over the TCP channel, and in this way we are preserving any headers which might be needed, for example Correlation IDs in order to be able to aggregate messages after chunking.
 class MuleMessageSafeProtocol
          This Protocol will send the actual Mule Message over the TCP channel, and in this way we are preserving any headers which might be needed, for example Correlation IDs in order to be able to aggregate messages after chunking.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.transport.xmpp.transformers

Classes in org.mule.transport.xmpp.transformers that implement MuleContextAware
 class ObjectToXmppPacket
          Creates an Xmpp message packet from a MuleMessage
 class XmppPacketToObject

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.util

Classes in org.mule.util that implement MuleContextAware
 class DefaultStreamCloserService
          Closes streams of different types by looking up available StreamCloser's from the Mule registry.

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.util.lock

Classes in org.mule.util.lock that implement MuleContextAware
 class MuleLockFactory

Uses of MuleContextAware in org.mule.util.queue

Classes in org.mule.util.queue that implement MuleContextAware
 class TransactionalQueueManager
          The Transactional Queue Manager is responsible for creating and Managing transactional Queues.

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class AbstractMonitoredObjectStore<T extends Serializable>
 class InMemoryObjectStore<T extends Serializable>
          InMemoryObjectStore implements an optionally bounded in-memory store for message IDs with periodic expiry of old entries.
 class ManagedObjectStore<T extends Serializable>
 class MonitoredObjectStoreWrapper<T extends Serializable>
          The MonitoredObjectStoreWrapper wraps an ObjectStore which does not support direct expiry and adds this behavior
 class MuleObjectStoreManager
 class PartitionedPersistentObjectStore<T extends Serializable>
 class QueuePersistenceObjectStore<T extends Serializable>
           This is an ObjectStore implementation that is to be used to persist messages on Mule's internal queues.
 class QueueStoreAdapter<T extends Serializable>
          Adapts a ListableObjectStore to make it useful to store event queues.
 class TextFileObjectStore
          A Simple object store that stores String objects by key to a text file.

Uses of MuleContextAware in

Classes in that implement MuleContextAware
 class MuleWorkManager
          MuleWorkManager is a JCA Work manager implementation used to manage thread allocation for Mule components and connectors.

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